When should I start lifting weights?



  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.

    Starting Strength or Strong Lifts are what I would recommend because they've worked for me
  • Pebbles536
    Pebbles536 Posts: 199
    Thanks. My gym membership is for T,TH, Sat, and Sun so I will start tomorrow!
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Absolutely, start five minutes ago. Do not start light, go heavy!
  • cc11395
    cc11395 Posts: 121 Member
    You are my first post!

    I agree, the time to start strength training is now. Cardio is great for buring calories - however, you are in the same boat I am and trying to burn fat. Lean muscle is what burns the fat - and the only way to build the lean muscle is to do control strength training where you are consistantly breaking down the muscle and rebuilding it stronger.

    Best of luck to you!!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Do it now, so when the fat burns off, you have strength underneath it all
  • AwesomeSauce4
    AwesomeSauce4 Posts: 1,062 Member
    Lifting weights while dieting is one of the best ways to preserve muscle while dropping fat - which means you come out of things looking better and in better shape. but my Opinion, I would say starting lifting weights tomorrow, add in a protein shake or glass of milk after your workouts, but otherwise don't change your diet.. xoxo

  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 811 Member
    ASAP! Weights help you look more in shape!!
  • Start as soon as you can. I started about 7 months ago with 95 lbs to loose. I have lost 20 lbs and 40+ inches overall. I can actual do pushups from my toes :smile: I am now refocusing on my eating to improve my weight loss after dealing with family death. It won't be easy but if you have the go ahead from your doctor then just do it.
  • Lizzy_Sunflower
    Lizzy_Sunflower Posts: 1,510 Member
    Absolutely, start five minutes ago. Do not start light, go heavy!

    And when we say "Heavy", we mean as much as you can lift for 8 or so reps.

    Lifting makes me feel strong and sexy, and I wish I had started sooner.
  • lisaisso
    lisaisso Posts: 337 Member
    Absolutely, start five minutes ago. Do not start light, go heavy!

    doit doit doit doit :glasses:
  • busyblkgirl
    busyblkgirl Posts: 264 Member
    So funny, I came here to post this exact same question, thanks for asking for me :o) Guess i'll start lifting now!
  • JodyWoo
    JodyWoo Posts: 44 Member
    I'm going to agree with yesterday! My first huge achievement in my lifestyle change WASN'T a weight loss... it was losing 5 inches on each of my upper arms. They were HUGE on me compared to a lot of my body. I just worked on them twenty minutes a day through out the day for a good month and was so shocked by the results. Now, I have 14'' upper arms, not 21'' (It has been over a year since that initial change)
  • To answer the other part of your question, go with free weights, resistance bands and body weight. Do exercises that incorporate multiple body parts. A full body circuit can burn a ton of calories while toning muscle. If you are at a gym, have a trainer look at your form to be certain you are not hurting yourself. If at home, invest in a program with proven results that is geared toward your level of fitness and will help you grow.

    As you start this new endeavor, remember that you can not do the same routine for the next 2 years and expect to get the same results. Your body will adapt. For a beginner a routine may have maximum effectiveness for about 8 weeks. After that you need to change it up. Some gyms offer free or low cost monthly training sessions. Or again you can choose an at home program that has phases to the training. Examples would be Power 90, Slim in 6, Les Mills Pump etc etc.

    Good luck on your journey. Remember that no matter how difficult it may seem at times, there is more strength within you than you realize. You just have to believe and commit to the life you want.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Since you can't start yesterday, start today! Free weights are technically better b/c you are forced to learn proper form. Machines can force you to use improper form. That said, if you want to get started today, I would try the machines just to keep from feeling stressed about the new and unknown :) Maybe get a couple of sessions with a PT at your gym. This will not hinder your 5k progress at all!
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    I agree with the rest. ASAP. Before you lose any more lean muscle mass. Weight loss minus weights is not just fat and water.
  • TheUnwritten
    TheUnwritten Posts: 158 Member
    Start now! I wished I would of started when I first ever began dieting,
  • footballmom12
    footballmom12 Posts: 100 Member
    why not start with light weights, so Monday chest, Tuesday shoulders, Wednesday back, Thursday arms (bis and tri's), Friday legs Saturday and Sunday off.

    ^^Good for a "weight lifter". In order to still train for your 5k I would double up....Monday- Chest and shoulders ... Wed- Back and Arms and Friday- Legs. Then on your off day you can do running/whatever. No reason you can't do cardio on the days you lift either though!!

    Definetly free weights!!!! Machines can be wierd...they don't give and take with how your body moves!!

    Good luck!!!
  • crawpapa
    crawpapa Posts: 156 Member
    Lift Heavy Weights Crazily!! Plus it's just fun to do...not a chore you HAVE to do.