Starting to think weight loss is just a myth!



  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I understand tnat you're trying to be helpful, and i take your comments as a compliment honestly. However, I am here because I want to lose 2 dress sizes and be the size i was before i got lazy and just allowed myself to pig out and not do any exercise. A size 12-14 may look nice to you, but I don't want to be a size 12-14. I feel happy and more attractive at a size 8 - 10.

    At age almost 32 I'm well beyond the stage of being influenced by the media or society. I know what looks good "to me", and that's slimmer than I am now. I didn't just become this size through nature... i worked at it by drinking hot chocolate after hot chocolate with marshmallows and cream (my weakness), sometimes up to 5 per day for over a year!!! Among other things of course..

    I don't so much care about reaching 115lbs, so long as the size 8 jeans fit me :D

    This is of course your prerogative. But at what age were you a size 8 previously? Has your overall body shape shifted since then? Your photo looks curvy - like you have a beautiful hourglass shape? I guess I just wonder whether you're trying to hit a target that's not necessarily entirely in keeping with your body shape and body composition.

    At the weight you're at, i suspect that getting the right exercise routine is going to be what you need to lose the inches, rather than focusing on weight loss per se. You have too little to lose to be able to sledge hammer the body into giving it up, so eat more, lift some weights, and do regular moderate cardio. See how that works?
  • kimw91
    kimw91 Posts: 355 Member
    I hear ya, I'm right where you are: healthy weight but not completely happy. I've decided to up my intake to currently 1600ish but probably more as I'm planning on starting the New rules of lifting for women plan. Have also started doing more strength and interval training and I just ordered a device to keep track of my body fat percentage as that (along with dress size) will probably tell me a lot more about my progress than the scale! I can imagine the same overall idea would work for you as you don't really have to lose either. Keep in mind that your body needs fuel to build up muscle (and reduce the amount of fat) if you're doing strength training, so you probably won't benefit from eating too little! But then again, I'm still stuck and trying things out as well so can't say for sure what will or won't work I'm afraid. I can tell you I didn't lose on eating around 1200 cals for a couple of months and that I have a lot more energy now that I've started eating more.
  • missfancy1980
    Make sure you are taking measurements (waist and hips at the very least) or taking some pictures that you can compare to.

    I would also recommend that you do a mix of strength training and cardio for your workouts. If you build muscle and lose fat you're going to be more compact even at the same weight. You might find doing it that way that you can lose the inches/pant sizes that you are desiring without any change on the scale at all (or very minimal).

    Check out this blog by a fellow MFP'er. She's got amazing pictures to show just how much the scale doesn't tell the whole truth.

    Brilliant thanks, just checked out her blog and it's an eye opener :)

    I do a mix of cardio and strength training already though I am pretty reliant on the cardio, and trying to focus more on weight training with PT help. I'm taking measurements as I know the scale isn't the be all and end all.

    I've had a lot of suggestions to do more weight training to get the shape I want. But, and this is no offense to anyone here, I don't want to be muscular/ ripped/ shredded, or any of those terms that get bandied about. I LOVE the more curvy glamour model look (Lucy pinder for e.g), but i want the slim waist and thighs/ hips/ bum that don't wobble or spread out when I sit down! I know people say you won't bulk etc, but you DO, I've seen the pics of girls on here with only moderate weight training. I want soft curves, not muscles, just want them all to be 3 inches smaller LOL!
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    Make sure you are taking measurements (waist and hips at the very least) or taking some pictures that you can compare to.

    I would also recommend that you do a mix of strength training and cardio for your workouts. If you build muscle and lose fat you're going to be more compact even at the same weight. You might find doing it that way that you can lose the inches/pant sizes that you are desiring without any change on the scale at all (or very minimal).

    Check out this blog by a fellow MFP'er. She's got amazing pictures to show just how much the scale doesn't tell the whole truth.

    Brilliant thanks, just checked out her blog and it's an eye opener :)

    I do a mix of cardio and strength training already though I am pretty reliant on the cardio, and trying to focus more on weight training with PT help. I'm taking measurements as I know the scale isn't the be all and end all.

    I've had a lot of suggestions to do more weight training to get the shape I want. But, and this is no offense to anyone here, I don't want to be muscular/ ripped/ shredded, or any of those terms that get bandied about. I LOVE the more curvy glamour model look (Lucy pinder for e.g), but i want the slim waist and thighs/ hips/ bum that don't wobble or spread out when I sit down! I know people say you won't bulk etc, but you DO, I've seen the pics of girls on here with only moderate weight training. I want soft curves, not muscles, just want them all to be 3 inches smaller LOL!

    I lift really heavy (for me, anyway, the heaviest I can lift!) but do a lot of cardio (training for my 5th full marathon) and I'm certainly not bulky/ripped/shredded in any way shape or form.
  • SteveHunt113
    SteveHunt113 Posts: 648 Member
    My recommendations?

    1 - Throw away your scale.
    2 - Start lifting heavy. (Recommend New Rules of Lifting for Women as a good starting point)
    3 - Consistently eat enough to support your body.
    4 - Start shopping for smaller clothes. :smile:
    This is what I was thinking ... except for #4. That should be reserved for a reward (IMHO)
  • missfancy1980

    I lift really heavy (for me, anyway, the heaviest I can lift!) but do a lot of cardio (training for my 5th full marathon) and I'm certainly not bulky/ripped/shredded in any way shape or form.

    You look great for you :) But your tummy is obviously very toned.

    This is more the look I'd love to have. I guess it's just a slimmer waist, and a few inches off the hips/ bum. And yes I know Kelly is actually a size 12 ,not 8, but she looks very slim and toned in this pic and that's the exact look i'm aiming for.

  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    my thighs spread when i sit--so if you get that figured out please send me a message!
  • SteveHunt113
    SteveHunt113 Posts: 648 Member
    I've had a lot of suggestions to do more weight training to get the shape I want. But, and this is no offense to anyone here, I don't want to be muscular/ ripped/ shredded, or any of those terms that get bandied about. I LOVE the more curvy glamour model look (Lucy pinder for e.g), but i want the slim waist and thighs/ hips/ bum that don't wobble or spread out when I sit down! I know people say you won't bulk etc, but you DO, I've seen the pics of girls on here with only moderate weight training. I want soft curves, not muscles, just want them all to be 3 inches smaller LOL!
    Myth: Muscle growth happens quickly! You'll wake up one day and be ripped!
    Fact: It takes forrrrrevvvvverrrrrrr to grow muscle ... anyone who wants muscle growth will attest to this.

    Myth: Smooth curves come from un-toned muscles
    Fact: Smooth curves come from a layer of fat OVER the muscles. Take away the fat, take away the smooth curves.

    Here are more facts:
    -Muscle helps burn calories. Having more muscle means you burn more calories while your body is at rest.
    -At a certain age, we start to lose about 15% of our muscle mass each year! As you get older, it's harder to burn the calories.
    -It is possible to add muscle, lose some fat, and still have smooth curves. Really! :happy:
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    I have had good luck just sticking to the MFP guidelines and I have a thyroid problem so that is saying a lot. You said you exercise a lot. Do you eat back your exercise calories? If not, you may not be eating enough calories as odd as it sounds. There are lots of opinions on eating back your exercise calories and you can search the topic. If you are eating 1200 calories for a day but burned 500 calories, if you don't eat the 500 calories back you are only at 700 calories which isn't enough for your body.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member

    I lift really heavy (for me, anyway, the heaviest I can lift!) but do a lot of cardio (training for my 5th full marathon) and I'm certainly not bulky/ripped/shredded in any way shape or form.

    You look great for you :) But your tummy is obviously very toned.

    This is more the look I'd love to have. I guess it's just a slimmer waist, and a few inches off the hips/ bum. And yes I know Kelly is actually a size 12 ,not 8, but she looks very slim and toned in this pic and that's the exact look i'm aiming for.


    But she has defined abs and biceps in that picture. She didn't achieve that look without some weight lifting.
  • serenetranquility
    serenetranquility Posts: 125 Member
    Options DO look great but if it's the sizing you're going for, like others I would highly recommend lifting :)
  • sedosher
    sedosher Posts: 142 Member
    My recommendations?

    1 - Throw away your scale.
    2 - Start lifting heavy. (Recommend New Rules of Lifting for Women as a good starting point)
    3 - Consistently eat enough to support your body.
    4 - Start shopping for smaller clothes. :smile:

    This is exactly what I was going to suggest.
  • sailorsiren13
    I eat at 1,200 calories, i eat at 3,000 calories, i exercise more, i exercise less.... i still haven't lost any weight (lost 1lb the first week which i'm assuming was water). Starting to think some people are genetically pre-dipositioned to keep weight on no matter what, barring illness/ weight loss surgery. Getting really ticked off with all the posts on here about eating more calories/ eating less/ eating at or below or above BMR. It's all confusing and disheartening and really wish someone would just tell me the magic formula.

    boy do i get this!!!! i have lost the initial ten and now no matter what i do keep fluctuating btwn the same 5 lbs never going below unless i literally starve myself for days. I am at the brink of giving of and saying screw it i'm tired of my husband giving me crap about everything on top of the frustration i feel.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    I agree with what some others have said; stop focusing so much on the scale and work more on toning and bringing down your measurements. You can stay the same weight and still lose a dress size depending on your body fat %. If you check out the success stories section of this forum you'll sometimes see posts by people who stayed the exact same weight but got toned and look way better/slimmer than they did before.

    I've heard weightlifting can do wonders in this department; haven't tried it myself, but I'm thinking of starting! Just remember that the scale may not move as you build muscle, so don't get discouraged by that!
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    it takes a LOT of work for a female to get really toned. How do you know how your body will respond unless you try it?
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    For one you look like you are already fairly small, so you aren't going to have quick and rapid weight loss.

    Bearing that in mind, it takes a little bit of time. It's not instant.

    Weight lifting will be your friend. Look into it =)
  • missfancy1980
    Don't give up Sailor!! I'm going to keep going no matter what... just have to vent here now and then when it all gets too much lol.

    Whitney, yes those are pretty defined, but not bulky/ muscly per se.. it's hard to describe what I mean. I don't want the individual little ab 6 pack things if you know what i mean, or the big defined arm and leg muscles.. i just don't think that looks very nice. Anyway, how she is on there is how I want my body to look, altho i'm aware we are different people with different bodies and i can never expect to look exactly the same.
  • Zangpakto
    Zangpakto Posts: 336 Member
    Eat less... Train more... simple concept, not hard.

    If you still not losing, then either eat even less, or train harder(As you can't NOT lose if your calories are less than your BMR..)

    Sometimes when bored and have time, either run or cycle myself into negative thousands in calories...

    Sure, I am technically an overweight athlete at moment, but used to be skinny and fit as ****... so working my way back there in any way possible, don't care of concerns. What I do works, and it works. No formula, just eat less, train like a mother******...

    Sure, some people might find it easier, but you can't not lose by eating less than your daily needs... maybe your body retains water more, maybe your having too much salt etc etc...

    Why do I train like I do, and why do I eat little? Well, eating little is because it works and that's that. No further explaining needed. Training? Well, I want to run from athens to sparta in a few years in the spartathon race, and need to increase running a lot. A literal s*** load.

    Oh and another note, 1.2k calorie basic isn't for everyone, that is utter bulls***... a smaller person naturally doesn't NEED as much as a bigger person. Simple concept people often overlook...
  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    I've only got 10 lbs left to lose and I am seeing now that I have to get really tight with my diet. I notice you are eating a lot of carbs compared to proteins and I wonder if you were to even them out a bit if that would help you start to lose. I tend to balance mine or even go a bit lower on carbs and increase healthy fats and I am now losing again.
  • missfancy1980
    it takes a LOT of work for a female to get really toned. How do you know how your body will respond unless you try it?

    I'm already doing weights and strength training most days at the gym for 20 - 30 mins. I can already feel my tummy is hard underneath and my arm muscles have gotten bigger and more defined. In only 4 weeks!! So I know if I do this harder/ longer, i will bulk up. My top half seems to respond a lot quicker to exercise than my bottom half which is really the area that needs to shift lol