give me a challenge!

I would love it if someone would give me something to do each week to help me reach my weight loss goal! I am 175 lbs and I want to weigh 140. You can give me a challenge to meet my goal by a certain date. Or an exercise to do. Our anything else along the lines of weight loss. Thanks for your help! Feel free to add!


  • viclee1
    viclee1 Posts: 156 Member
    totally going to add you, I started at 174 and have plateued at 9lbs loss, but hoping to get to 130lbsish
    If you're just starting out I would recommend doing 1
    st week staying at or slightly under alloted calories
    week 2 increased exercise
    week 3 focus on water
    week 4 try something new (ie: sugar free day, meatless day, new exercise, etc.)
  • Stormyyy
    Stormyyy Posts: 247 Member
    50 Jumping jacks every day for 1 weeks 12 - 17 March Gooooooooooooooooo!!

    Oh and have fun :heart: