Buying Clothes During Weight-loss

What is/was your approach to buying clothes during the weight-loss journey? I'm down a whole pants size now (a pant size that I've been in for at least the last 7 years). If I wear a belt very tightly, I can keep my pants up. I am also still able to wear some of my skirts. But the skirts are becoming looser and looser and the belt method isn't going to last much longer, and I must have decent things to wear to work. I'm on a tight budget and can't seem to fathom spending money on clothes on the next size down when I'm going to be out of that size too. I'm keeping my eye out at thrift stores for work clothes to keep the cost as low as possible.

But, how did you do it?


  • jmjatlanta
    Wifey and I are going through the same thing at this time.

    We decided to buy 1 or 2 outfits that fit while still wearing our ill-fitting clothes. This pushes us to not slow down, but keep pressing hard to get to our goals.

    We'll need the money saved by not buying a bunch of "in between" clothes so we can afford to buy the clothes that will fit us until they wear out.

    Keep pedaling!
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    Thrift stores, consignment shops... and lots of clearance sale items! I went from a size 22W down to size 6/8, so there was a lot of sized in between and I did not have the funds to buy a new wardrobe for each size.

    And congrats on being down a size!! That is so awesome! :happy: