Calorie Deficit

I was just wondering if my fitness pal automatically adds a calorie defecit? If I eat my exercise calories back, am I still in a negative calorie state? I read that to lose a pound you need to burn 500 more calories than you eat. If this is true, do I not eat my calories back?? SO CONFUSED!


  • StarryEyed500
    StarryEyed500 Posts: 225 Member
    Yes and probably. Your 500 is off what you would normall burn in a day, not what MFP gives you to eat.
    If you overestimate your burn or underestimate your eating then you may not be at 500. This may also be the case if you're given 1200 calories as this is the lowest that can be set. In my case, if I eat 500 less than my burn, I'd be at 1100 some days, which isn't a healthy amount to eat.