Been here about 2 weeks.I guess i should introduce myself.

Hello im a 32 year old male.Im from hailton Ohio.I found this site through a doctor.I went to a place called Figure Weight Loss.They reccomended it. i've been married for going on 12 years.In those 12 years i've managed to gain roughly 200 pounds which is just sick when i think of it that way.When i met my wife in high school i weighed maybe 200 pounds.At my heaviest i was 426 pounds on February 6 of this year.I have no clue how it got this bad but it did.I've since started eating better,not eating late and going to bed soon after eating.(Thats a big weakness for me) I've really cut back my alcohol intake.I used to drink 3 fifth's of premade screwdriver at least 5 days a week.I stopped doing that Februaury of 2011.My wife had finally had enough of my drinking.Though i then started eating more. Since February 6 at my doctor's visit i have currently lost 31 pounds as of my last doctor's visit on March 9th.I've been using this site since the second week of this month and love it! I tried using weight watchers online.I didnt like the system or the price of it.All i've really done is take the phentermine perscribed by the Figure Weight loss Doctor.No exercise at all.The pills really help me stay active,i'm not eating nearly as much as i was before.MFP gave me 2700 calories a day,i barely eat 1500 most days.I know thats not recomended but it's working for me at htis point.I'm a numbers motivated type of person.I weigh myself daily,again i know not reccomended.But if i see a pound or two gain i make myself more active that day and really watch what i eat. Also i can always use some motivation from others being succesful.I've got at least 150 pounds to loose.Feel free top add me as a friend if you like.Sorry for the rambling,i better get up and moving and burn those calories:)