Rethinking my goals - any advice welcome!

I'm at a bit of a crossroads diet and fitness wise and wondered if anyone had any thoughts to help me out.

Last year I lost a lot of weight, went from 181lb in January to 140 in August, then went onto maintenance but put on over Christmas and started this year at 148lb. I also started and finished C25K last year, and managed to really improve my fitness level.

I started this year with 133lb as a goal (5'6", 32 years old, medium frame) but as time is going on I'm starting to feel that I'm happy with my weight now (142lb) and would prefer to just tone up. I'm still running and am aiming for a half marathon in November, so building up miles - up to 5.5 currently, running three times a week with a long run once a week. I'm also near the end of the 30DS.

Am I doing the right thing to go to maintenance level for calories, and focus on my fitness goals? I plan to do 6 Week 6 Pack after finishing the 30DS and keep up with my running. I also walk a lot, and was wondering whether I could incorporate some more weights/resistance training at home (limited budget though!)

I really would appreciate any thoughts anyone has, expecially those who know a lot about these things. I'm about to shred now so will be back in a bit - thank you in advance to anyone who can help!


  • scott091501
    scott091501 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Sounds like you're in a really good place and it sounds similar to my plan. Continually trying to lose weight is stressful and not really conducive to your athletic goals either. You get much more out of training sessions when not in a deficit. If you want to keep logging I'd say shoot for maintenance and pull back/add cals if needed here or there to stay where you want to. Good luck.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    The number on a scale is just a number. Now that you're closer to your final goal, better goals for assessment would be BF% or measurements. Good luck!
  • yasmine36
    yasmine36 Posts: 41 Member
    If you feel happy and comftorable at this healthy weight, then stay there! All that matters is that you love yourself at a healthy weight.