Anyone else suffer from Acid Reflux??



  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 749 Member
    BTW as for diet...I couldn't eat or drink anything for a while there, but don't eat right before you lay down, and maybe try a little bit of apple cidar vinegar.
  • dibdobw
    dibdobw Posts: 89 Member
    Another thing my doctor told me to avoid was caffeine. This is most definitely a trigger for me!
  • tnorth82
    tnorth82 Posts: 186
    I take Lansoprazole and Omeprazole (alternated every few months) everyday on prescription. I have to or I suffer so much.
    I avoid foods that aggravate it, fats and creams, onions, breads etc.
    Im hoping losing a few lb will help...
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    I'm not sure where you are in your fitness goal, but I lost 40 lbs, hoping to get rid of mine.
    It worked.
    Before them, I used Pepcid, Tums, prevacid, prilosec, well, all of them.
    I tried not to eat within a few hours of bedtime, avoided my favorite foods, like Italian and Mexican, and nuts.
    Nothing worked consistently until I put down the weight.
    Haven't had an incident since my first -20lbs.
    I am presuming your doctor has looked for some less likely suspects, such as H. Pylorii, ulcers, or other digestive disorder. These symptoms sound pretty severe.
  • natnlj
    natnlj Posts: 21 Member
    I have tried everything and my physician finally doubled my Aciphex, which really helps! My physician has informed me that the more you take Tums, the worse the AR becomes for some reason...I hope you improve as that is miserable! Take Care!
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    I used to get it all the time... sometimes from overeating, bit more often than not related to eating rich dairy products such as hard cheeses. also alcohol didn't help and being stressed too. I find exercising helps it as well as water.
  • classycouture
    classycouture Posts: 888 Member
    I'm not sure where you are in your fitness goal, but I lost 40 lbs, hoping to get rid of mine.
    It worked.
    Before them, I used Pepcid, Tums, prevacid, prilosec, well, all of them.
    I tried not to eat within a few hours of bedtime, avoided my favorite foods, like Italian and Mexican, and nuts.
    Nothing worked consistently until I put down the weight.
    Haven't had an incident since my first -20lbs.
    I am presuming your doctor has looked for some less likely suspects, such as H. Pylorii, ulcers, or other digestive disorder. These symptoms sound pretty severe.

    I'm only about 5-7 lbs away from my weight loss goal (now focusing on toning), so I know my weight isn't a factor with my reflux, but I haven't brought it up to my doctor in a while, I guess I just kind of got used to living with it. So, I'm thinking it's time to take another trip to let her know I'm getting worse. Maybe then we can explore other possibilities and tame this beast!

    Again, thank you to everyone who has posted!