UGH! Never going to lose this weight.

I'm really frustrated. When I get frustrated, I quit. Yes, I am a quitter. I usually get back to whatever it was that I quit, but it usually takes me a little while.

Anyway, I feel like I'll NEVER get past 145. I'm 152 right now and I feel like I just hit some kind of stupid weight loss plateau.

Here are my current inches, and what I'd love my inches to be:


Waist: 28.5
Hips: 40.5
Bust: 35
Wrists: 6
Neck: 12.3
Calves: 15
Thighs: 21.5
Ankles: 9

And I currently weigh 153.

This is what I look like:



I used to be 127 but I don't have any pictures of that. It wasn't the right weight for me. I'm aiming for 140.

I would LIKE these to be my inches:

Weight - 118
Neck - 12"
Bust - 34"
Waist - 24"
Hips - 35.5"
Thigh - 19"
Ankle - 9"
Wrist - 6"

I don't know what to do. I'm running and going to the gym more than I ever have before but I'm not really doing any weights. I just want my legs to be toned.

I feel defeated. I would go eat my feelings but I don't have anything that would make me feel better besides some Nutella. :'(


  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    If you don't lose that attitude, then you won't.

    Stop feeling sorry for yourself and get to work.
  • harebearva
    harebearva Posts: 216 Member
    When did you last check you macros? Have you adjusted them lately?
  • camilleesqueda
    Macros? Explain.
  • kp1439
    kp1439 Posts: 343 Member
    If you don't lose that attitude, then you won't.

    Stop feeling sorry for yourself and get to work.

  • Quiing
    Quiing Posts: 261 Member
    "Whether you think that you can, or that you can't, you are usually right."
    - Henry Ford
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    i think yer pretty hawt
  • kregerems
    kregerems Posts: 100 Member
    Don't give up. Keep pushing. I think what "macros" is, is your macro-nutrients. If your not getting enough
    then you'll end up plateauing your self by putting yourself in starvation mode.

    Also if maybe you need to change up your work-out routine. Do different body parts on different days, and
    in between put in 30 minutes to 1 hour of cardio. Whatever you do, don't give up on yourself, and by the
    way you look great. Keep pushing, you can do it.
  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member

    I don't know what to do. I'm running and going to the gym more than I ever have before but I'm not really doing any weights. I just want my legs to be toned.

    Get the strength training back in your program - it might not mean losing the pounds quickly, but it will definitely help you get to your goal inches.
  • camilleesqueda
    Let me rephrase, people: what should I be doing differently? My workout routine usually consists of me running a mile, doing the elliptical for about 30-50 minutes on an incline of 10 with a resistance of 8, and doing around 100 crunches. Sometimes I run another mile or two after I leave the gym. I eat 1200 calories a day, sometimes less. I'm not a very hungry person and I find it hard to eat more than 1200 calories. Do I need to eat more? Work out more? Do a different kind of work out?
  • zaaden
    zaaden Posts: 26 Member
    much the same as others have said, ensure that you are not over exercising and under eating otherwise your body will hold onto what weight you do have - starvation mode.
  • fittiephd
    fittiephd Posts: 608 Member
    I don't think you'll get a 24 inch waist at 140 lbs, 24 inches is really tiny! Just keep trucking along. Adjust your calorie intake or your workouts to change things up and it should help you pass the plateau. Don't think about it day to day just keep doing what you're doing every day and all of a sudden it will be 2 months from now and you'll be thin!
  • camilleesqueda
    I'm going to need someone to help me figure out this macro nutrients thing. I track my food intake very precisely but I'm probably not eating enough. And what kind of strength training works? Is the 30 Day Shred enough or do I need to look into something else? I already have a lot of muscle mass, there's just a layer of cushion hiding most of it.
  • EroseT23
    EroseT23 Posts: 74 Member
    Yeah, macros = macronutrients, which are your protein, carbs and fat. The standard MFP settings are very carb heavy and low on protein. A lot of people, myself included, manually adjust the percentages of each to figure out what works best for our bodies. Many people have success with high-ish amounts of protein, a decent amount of fat and fill in the rest with carbs. I think my ratios are set at 50% carbs and 25% each of fat and protein. I've heard the 40-30-30 ratio being suggested a lot, too. Play around with the numbers to find what's right for you, and make sure you're trying to actually hit those numbers every day instead of just focusing on overall calorie count. Adjusting macros just might be the key to breaking through a plateau.

    Then again, it might not. It's just a suggestion. :smile:
  • harebearva
    harebearva Posts: 216 Member
    Macros? Explain.

    Your macronutrient levels in relation to calories. I recheck mine every 10-20 pounds of weight loss to be sure that I'm still in a caloric deficit when I'm trying to lose weight. But honestly, If you are otherwise healthy and have no systemic conditions that preclude weight loss, you're most likely not in a calorie deficit but eating at a maintenance level. But the other posters are right. A defeatist attitude will get you nowhere. Let's find the problem and fix it and get you back on track.
  • my2boiz
    my2boiz Posts: 89
    ok, so here's some actual advice. everyone feels how you do once in a while. I was there a couple weeks ago. The piece of advice that worked for me was switching up my workouts. I had been doing the elliptical for months and weights too. A trainer told me that you should NEVER do the same workout for more then 6 weeks straight. Find something else you like. Also weights are a definite. Build muscle=burn more fat. You don't have to be "buff" at all, but it will help. Also, you may want to try upping your calorie intake. Your body may need more fuel to accomplish what it had in the past. (try the other things first). I broke my "stuck faze" a week ago and all i had to do was switch it up. Good luck to ya! Add me as a friend if you would like. ignore the people who pretended to not understand how you feel. Everyone is here for the same reason. :)
  • harebearva
    harebearva Posts: 216 Member
    1200, not enough food! eat more! LOL
    Read this. It's all about macronutrients,how to figure them, and how much protein fat and carbs you should be eating
  • camilleesqueda
    Thank you! I think I'm going to keep running (trying to get to the point where I can run a 5K, that's one of my health goals) and probably start focusing on certain body parts after I run. I really just want to work on my legs and tummy.
  • camilleesqueda
    1200, not enough food! eat more! LOL
    Read this. It's all about macronutrients,how to figure them, and how much protein fat and carbs you should be eating

    Thanks! I will read that. I have a really hard time eating more than 1200 a day, just because I don't know what to eat and I'm afraid to eat too much fat and carbs. :(
  • Switty_Kitty
    Switty_Kitty Posts: 538 Member
    Omg....what I wouldn't give for your body. It may not be what your striving for but rest assured, you look great!!
  • shanlynt
    shanlynt Posts: 754 Member
    Exactly. I think you look amazing and five more lbs isn't going to change that.