Looking for buddies

Hi everyone. My name is Jo and I am looking for friends to share encouragement. I am 5'5'', 34 years old, and wanting to lose 40 lbs. My dad and I are having a race to see eho can lose the most in three months. So far I've been dieting for a week and I lost 5 lbs already! Please add me. :smile:


  • weightloss43154
    weightloss43154 Posts: 203 Member
    hi and welcome, I am Tracy and friends request sent
  • AnnaKeck
    AnnaKeck Posts: 18 Member
    Hi Jo - great progress so far!!
  • BartsGurl
    BartsGurl Posts: 19
    Hi, Jo. My name is Dawn and I started a program last Thursday. I am 5'4", 42 years old and hoping to lose 70 pounds (I cringe as I write that). I'm at an all-time high of 238.

    For my diet I am focusing on high protein, low carbs, low fat, and limiting myself to 1400 calories a day. (My fitness pal defaulted to 1200 calories a day, but I just don't think that's healthy.) For exercise I am walking and using an elliptical (though I haven't been on it in over a week!). I don't have much will power or discipline, so I have to have a huge amount of motivation to accomplish anything.

    What are you doing for your fitness/diet?
  • Whenever I begin a diet, I always start with a three-day fast. This serves to shrink my stomach so I can feel fuller after less food, get my body into fat-burning mode, and best of all, it breaks my sugar addiction. Many people gasp at the idea of fasting for three days, but I find that it's not so hard if I have the proper motivation.

    Now that that period is over, I just eat low glycemic carbs, lean protein, and limit the sweets. I don't stress over counting every calorie, but I do make myself record my eating habits and this site seems to do so, so it's nice to see that information. I weigh myself every day so that I can tell if I ate too much the previous day, or just not the right foods; but I only count the weight I am every Monday morning - so I can't binge on the weekends! :)

    For excersize, I am just beginning but I love to do Turbo Jam. I'm starting with the 20 minute workout but I will increase to a harder one once I get more used to it.
  • wmjanes
    wmjanes Posts: 8
    Hello Jo my name is Billy I have been on here at least 2 weeks and lost 2lbs. My profile says 17 lbs but I miss weighted myself the first time (shame on me). Anyway welcome and good luck. I am 33 yrs oldabout to be 34 so far so good for me. I'm on a 1600 calorie diet and I have only had a couple of days where I went over. The funny thing is is that as I stayed in my calorie count I have been feeling Fuller longer and quickly. But anyway enough of me if you want you can add me. So welcome and good luck
  • Sounds like you have some strong will power!! But how long can you keep this up for? Do you gradually move into a more realistic diet or keep it up till you hit your target? I can't fast for 3hours let alone 3 days!!!
  • hi, my name is Brandi. i started this program last week. yesterday was my first weigh-in and im down 2 lbs but i have so much more to go and i also could use support from anyone willing to help.
  • Hi! I'm Hannah, I am 19 years old. I have been vegan on and off for the past few months. I'm looking to lose of 30-35 pounds. I want someone to help encourage me to keep up being vegan. My usual problem is binge eating so any tips on that would be wonderful
  • I love what kind of plan you are doing! How do you fast for three days though? Water? Juice? Smoothies? Seems like it would be tough!
  • Hi guys! my name is Jackie and I am a 29 year old mom of two trying to lose 50 pounds! I have lost 4 already in a week and in the last few weeks joined a gym, hired a personal trainer, work out five days a week, and joined fitness pal. Like you, I could also use encouragement and I will pass it along. Everyone has the ability to reach their goals if you really want it! : D Good luck to you all
  • Hi, I'm Izzie, I'm 19 and I'm trying to lose about....2 and a half stone? I'm trying out the Anna Richardson diet at the moment, which seems to be working so far, 5 and a half pounds in 4 days! :)
    Anyway, if anyone wants to add me, feel free. :D x
  • kshirar
    kshirar Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Jo! Would love to be your buddy! I'm 39, 5'1", and would like to lose 30 lbs. I was doing TBMP (Trevose Behavior Modification Program) and lost 23 lbs in 9 months. Since this past July, I have managed to gain back 17 lbs. *sigh* I am a stay at home Mom to 3 kids and started a part time work from home job in July...I have been stress eating since then, hence the weight gain.

  • A tip I to Hanahhlr0305 I have is to eat a little bit of the foods you have trouble with binge eating all day long, because if you starve yourself or do not give in to some cravings, that is what causes overeating/binge eating. I myself had that problem with chocolate and I still do. I would cut it down each day until I became less dependent on it and now I don't need it every day. You can do this with any type of foods/drinks!
  • Hi guys I am Jennifer and i have been using the app for a week and lost 2lbs, please add me, I think we could all do with some motivation xx good luck all 5'7, 13.11 starting weight goal 12 stone (76.2kg) xx female 36
  • questhaven
    questhaven Posts: 109 Member
    Hi! I'm Michele - we're close to the same age and have about the same amount to lose! Feel free to add me!
  • The fast only lasts te first three days, then it's a more realistic diet. :)
  • kimharrod
    kimharrod Posts: 27
    Feel free to send me a request :)
  • Squeeks70
    Squeeks70 Posts: 157 Member
    Go into your edit profile and change your calories BACK to your 1400. It is defeating to see that you are over when in fact you are not! Good luck and happy logging!
  • marfeez
    marfeez Posts: 17 Member
    I'm new to this site. A friend at work introduced me to it. I am a Weight Watchers member, and I reached my goal 3 years ago, but I've gained it all back. Anyway, I'm trying to lose 30 lbs. in order to look better at the beach in July. I have lost 8.8 lbs. since January, but I'm having a hard time sometimes. I gain 2 lbs. one week, and then lose 2 lbs. the next week. I have been walking more which is helping. Anyway, my friend at work told me that if I ever feel like I'm giving into food that I should get on this site, so I thought I would check it out.
  • eahrenee
    eahrenee Posts: 151 Member
    Hi Jo, I just started MFP today and am also looking for some friends on here for motivation.
    We have very similar goals- I just turned 30 yesterday, am 5'6" and currently weigh 190lbs, so I am hoping to lose between 40 and 60 pounds.
    Good luck with your goal!