Healthy is Key

Hello everybody! I would like to start off by saying that I have seen many of these message boards, and you are all such inspirations! This is not my first time using MFP. I have done it about 3 or 4 times before, only to do it for two or three days, and give up. But, I have started a new account, and I'm ready to start fresh.
I currently weigh 140 pounds. I know a lot of you would say that weighing that much shouldn't make you want to lose weight, but considering my height, that is a little chubby. Losing a few pounds definitely wouldn't hurt, if you all know what I mean. Especially since Spring break, and Summer break are coming around, I'm sure we all want to look "tall tan, fit and ready", hahahaha.
I would definitely write more, but my laptop has 10% battery left. I will write more, but until then, I wish you all luck with your weight loss goals! (: