Shift workers??

I was just wondering how all the shift workers out there go with balancing a varying roster with sleep, exercise and nutrition- I know that personally I struggle at times especially when on the graveyard shift!


  • ednjenn
    ednjenn Posts: 38 Member
    Cop here also. 15 years in San Diego CA. Shift work is tough but the best workouts always come at the end of the toughest days........ great way to burn away the stress of trauma. I used to be the tactical guy and now have "graduated" to a desk spot and got outright pudgy. Looking to feed the beast again! Only in this thing a week here. Feel free to add me ! I've just gotten back to a running routine and looking for some people on here for comparison and accountability. It'd be nice to see what other shift workers and cops do to keep the fire up on here.


  • angelajmrn
    angelajmrn Posts: 63 Member
    Hello guys....I am an ER nurse who works varying days and night shifts. I struggle a lot due to my shift work. Some days I don't eat enough and others too much. I am sometimes too exhausted to workout. I have been getting a little better but struggle with it everyday. Would love some others advice as well.

  • DogsK
    DogsK Posts: 94
    One big thing I have found to help me is the 24 hour gym I can use on the way to work. Got night shift coming up at the end of this week and thinking of using ednjenn suggestion of working out after my shift. Diet though is another thing. Im all over the place with that
  • mickyjg
    mickyjg Posts: 49
    Me too. I work in Law enforcement and posted the same topic a couple of weeks ago... still struggling :ohwell: :sad:
  • Goose28in
    Goose28in Posts: 87 Member
    Gotta love shift work. I am a 911 Dispatcher and I have had a normal schedule (days) for about 7 or more years, due to senority I am going to another shift. I plan on keeping my schedule as close to what I have now. I average about 6 hours a sleep a day as it is. Not enough but I do take about a 45 minute nap almost everyday.

    As far as food. I pack my lunch which is loaded with fruits and vegetables. The only thing that I will be doing diffeent is exercising before my shift, maybe sneak in a workout during my lunch break (hour). One good thing, I won't be tempted to snack before bed.
  • baird3605
    baird3605 Posts: 28 Member
    WOW! An hour lunch?!? I also work for a 911 Dispatch Center. We work "8-Straight" so we eat at our desk. I currently rotate every 28 days between daywatch and afternoons. The difference is schedule doesn't screw with me too much, as I have a wife that works days, and no kids, so it's easy for me to work out after work on days, and before work on afternoons. I also have support here at work. We have a group of 4 of us all using MFP. We go walking/jogging/running in the garage (7 flights) at least 3-4 times a week.

    I find the hardest for me is lunch on afternoon watch. I get hungry for lunch around 1, which is when I need to drive into work. It has taken a lot of pre planning to make good decisions for lunch time. I used to grab something on the way into work almost every day!
  • Goose28in
    Goose28in Posts: 87 Member
    WOW! An hour lunch?!? I also work for a 911 Dispatch Center. We work "8-Straight" so we eat at our desk. I currently rotate every 28 days between daywatch and afternoons. The difference is schedule doesn't screw with me too much, as I have a wife that works days, and no kids, so it's easy for me to work out after work on days, and before work on afternoons. I also have support here at work. We have a group of 4 of us all using MFP. We go walking/jogging/running in the garage (7 flights) at least 3-4 times a week.

    I find the hardest for me is lunch on afternoon watch. I get hungry for lunch around 1, which is when I need to drive into work. It has taken a lot of pre planning to make good decisions for lunch time. I used to grab something on the way into work almost every day!

    I work 4 10's which is great because I have the same 3 days off for 6 months. Not only do I get a hour lunch, I eat my food at my desk then when it is lunch time I do other things like take a nap, workout etc.
  • baird3605
    baird3605 Posts: 28 Member
    WOW! An hour lunch?!? I also work for a 911 Dispatch Center. We work "8-Straight" so we eat at our desk. I currently rotate every 28 days between daywatch and afternoons. The difference is schedule doesn't screw with me too much, as I have a wife that works days, and no kids, so it's easy for me to work out after work on days, and before work on afternoons. I also have support here at work. We have a group of 4 of us all using MFP. We go walking/jogging/running in the garage (7 flights) at least 3-4 times a week.

    I find the hardest for me is lunch on afternoon watch. I get hungry for lunch around 1, which is when I need to drive into work. It has taken a lot of pre planning to make good decisions for lunch time. I used to grab something on the way into work almost every day!

    I work 4 10's which is great because I have the same 3 days off for 6 months. Not only do I get a hour lunch, I eat my food at my desk then when it is lunch time I do other things like take a nap, workout etc.

    Last time I'll hijack this comment. I am a supervisor here, and we have been trying to get off of 8 hour shifts. We have discussed 10's and 12's. For our dept, we are just too big to have it work out nicely. Our staffing averages out 13 people 24 hours a day. I would love 12's but the induced overtime is a worry for the bean counters.
  • GregRandall
    GregRandall Posts: 38 Member
    Lol don't think our dispatch staff get anywhere near a good a deal as that! I used to work in an area where we were lucky to get 10 mins for a sit down meal- usually it would be grabbing maccas and eating it in between jobs...trying to find somewhere that served halfway decent food at 2am used to be a challenge too! Luckily I'm in a specialist area now where its both possible to sit down to eat and bring a prepared meal from home... though the fast food temptation remains!

    Gyming after work is a great idea- good way to release any pent up stress from the shift and also helps with the transition to sleep :)
  • angelajmrn
    angelajmrn Posts: 63 Member
    I just got back from a beautiful walk. Our shifts are not the usual 7-7 12 hour shifts. I work 4-4. It is nice because when I get home from a night shift at 4:30am I sleep till about 11-12 and then have some time to work out before going back to work at 4p. One more night shift tonight then back to 12 hour days on Thursday. That is what kills me. Most of my eating is on the go. I try to pack things but we do have a very nice cafeteria with a salad bar. I have learned to put my dressing on the side because if I put it on the salad inevitably it gets so busy that I can't eat it and it goes in the garbage all soggy and gross. I try to only eat fruits and veggies after midnight because it is just too hard on my stomach to eat more than that and then go to bed. I probably struggle more with getting in enough calories on my night shift rotations than anything.
  • jdbaker01
    jdbaker01 Posts: 41 Member
    I work 12 hour nights, i struggle like job is sitting down at a computer all night...i sleep most of day, when i wake up i have my breakfast, then my shift starts at 8pm, at about 2300 i will have my lunch, then at around 4am i will have my dinner, then 6am have porridge, so i suppose i have breakfast twice a day.... on my days off i have normal days, having food at proper times.......working nights tho, its so easy to just pick up the phone and order a take out, but must state i have been very good since joining mfp, i now bring food in with me, i try to get up and walk around and do some sitting down exercises throughout the night, im starting to ramble now, and lost the meaning of this response lol, so i will shut up!!!!!! :smile: