supplement suggestion, diet/lift critique for cutting cycle

Any diet/supplement/workout advice is greatly appreciated and welcomed
About to enter a two month cutting cycle and was wondering whether or not to go on a pre-workout such as noxipro with beta-alanine in it for endurance purposes so I can go longer on cardio after working out or a fat burner such as oxi-elite pro or animal cuts

current stack now-multi-vitamin, humapro, amino energy, L-Arginine

Diet is as follows going low carb high protein, 40 grams of fat per day 135 grams carbs, protein is between 225-250 grams diet
5' 8'' 170 now looking to get to 160, pretty shredded upper body but still have stomach fat in lower abs that I am trying to get rid of.

Average day dieting and workout stack is listed below
Tuesday-back/30 mins cardio
Wednesday-Shoulders/30 mins cardio
Thursday-Bis/Tris/30 mins cardio
Saturday-45 mins cardio
Sunday-Plyometrics or 45 mins cardio

Average food intake-1800 cals, usually under, weekend eating could be cleaner
8 am-6 egg whites, 1 banana, coffee with french vanilla
1 pm-turkey, string cheese 2 slice whole wheat bread, franks hot sauce
5 45 pm-7 humapro preworkout, amino energy l-arginine
7 humpro post workout
8:30 10 oz grilled chicken with lettuce, oil and vinegar as dressing