Tips to lower high blood pressure?

I am open to any tips. I discovered it was high nearly two years ago and they said to keep an eye on it and exercise, diet changes and losing weight would probably help, if not they'd look into medication.

At the time I was 168/170, 5'3" so I was pretty overweight for my height with a bad diet and didn't exercise much.
I changed all that and am now at 150, my bmi is 26.2 and my body fat percentage is 32% (just got these numbers the other day), don't have previous ones to compare. My BP remains largely unchanged as it was around 159/100 and the other day it was 148/100, the lowest I have seen it recently is 139/93. I tried many things. I tried eating more greens like spinach, kale, collards and often make myself a green smoothie a couple of times a week. I have been watching my sodium, most days it's under normal and I drink a lot of water. The only supplement I take daily is fish or krill oil, I'll throw in a mulit-vit a few days a week and I just got some cq-10 to take. I don't eat much red meat, maybe twice a week and if I do it's extra lean and if it's a steak I cut all the fat off. I work out 5/6 days a week mixing up cardio which is usually zumba, piloxing or running and muscle workouts, now I'm doing nike training club.
I am on birth control but I'm on the lowest hormone dose which I never had a problem with for the 3 years before i discovered I had high bp. There is also no family history of it despite my families terrible diets. The only possible risk factor is stress but I don't think stress could make it that high? I'm just at a loss of why it's high. I'm going to talk to my doctor sometime after springbreak because I know it's bad to keep it high that long.


  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    Keep exercising. Keep trying to lose weight. Keep watching that sodium. Try some meditation or other form of stress management.

    Supplements and/or dietary tricks really aren't going to help. There might be some natural remedy out there that actually works for BP, but I don't know it and even if I did, I'm inherently skeptical of food/herb superpowers. You should give some thought to medication- talk it over with your doctor.

    Weight lifting helped lower my BP, but mine was only borderline high.

    Cardio should help too.