How do i tackle this?

Hi, I'm Tina. I'm a nurse in a busy doctors office, ive been there for nine years. I'm also married and have a five year old son. For the past several months ive been so unhappy in my job and it's affecting my home life. Plus since ive been using food for comfort it's also affecting my health.
I want to quit my job and find something new, the problem is that I don't know what else I might want to do. I'm not really interested in going back to school. Any suggestions on how to completely turn my life around? The whole prospect terrifies me. I cringe at the though of going out on job interviews since I don't feel good about myself.and how I look! Dang, maybe I need a therapist rather than a message board but you all are free! Thanks for reading my ramblings


  • squiggles409
    squiggles409 Posts: 50 Member
    often the first step in dealing with issues is to make sure that YOU are happy. If you can be happy with you then that will project onto many other areas of life. So I would say that if getting healthy is something that will make you happy then GO FOR IT!! the release of endorphins from exercise it a simply wonderful thing!! Good luck! You totally got this!
  • The first thing I would say to you is do not be in a hurry to make a decision about your job. What is bothering you there? Are you challenge any longer. Is it your co-workers or the boss? Would still being a nurse but at some other location be more satisfying to you? I think we all go through cycles of dissastisfaction with our jobs. We become bored with going through the motions day in and day out, and that's perfectly normal. Nursing is something to be very proud of. Maybe you just need a change of scenery. To an extent I agree with the poster below. Most of our dissatisfaction comes from within. Working on becoming healthy goes along way toward our self-esteem and how we feel about ourselves, and truly there is no better medicine. You only get one life, and personally, I want to be as beautiful and attractive in this life as I can be. I'm sure you do too. But I think women today have a much more difficult life than our mothers did. We have to bake the bread, bring home the bread and raise our children as though we are not exhausted. It's a very difficult and trying job, so don't be so hard on yourself. I went back to college in my mid-thirtys, and it was the best decision I've ever made. I created a new life for myself at something that is much more fulfilling than what I'd been doing previously. There are decisions to be made, obviously if you are unhappy, but there's not rush. Take your time and reflect on what's most important to you, and then work like hell to make it happen. Best wishes to you for a successful and fulfilling life.