its not just about weight loss here.

Hey, my name is Jessi... and for me, this isn't just about weight loss.

I want my life back. Compulsive over eating sucks. It's like an addiction that I have absolute no control over. I beat myself up about it constantly but that still doesn't change my behavior, hell... I'll be mentally screaming at myself while I am eating. SOMETHINGS gotta give. I feel ridiculous even admitting having this problem. I'm not generally viewed as a weak person. Or as someone who isn't confident in themselves honestly. I want to actually be the woman I portray myself to be, I don't want to pretend anymore. I don't want to be jealous of my friends who are smaller and better looking then me anymore. I've been through so much and I deserve much better for myself.

Anyways, I'm done complaining now. I could use a friend or two on here. If you need some motivation I can try to help you out too!

Today is the day that I begin to regain control dammit! You should too!


  • Tp77
    Tp77 Posts: 21 Member
    Good luck. XXx
  • sarahp86
    sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
    Good for you! I know what it's like to order a family meal from the local takeaway and eating the whole thing myself even if I wasn't hungry or buying out all the biscuits and stuffing my face in private.

    I still get the urge to binge sometimes but it does get easier. Just have everything in moderation. If you want something eat it. I tried to cut out everything I was craving first time around and ended up binging til I felt sick. Now if I want something I'll find a way to fit it into my diary or I'll exercise a little bit longer!

    Feel free to add me.

    Sarah x x
  • nammer79
    nammer79 Posts: 664 Member
    feel free to add me and I'll do what i can't to support and motivate you
  • I am 29 year old mother of one.....I have gained alot of weight due to depression (50lbs)....I have no motivation and I am desprite to loose weight....its ruined my health marriage and mental health. If anyone who has a similar story please feel free to message me...I need a swift kick in the rump!
  • Amy_Lee_2012
    Amy_Lee_2012 Posts: 156 Member
    I am definitely addicted to food- a foodaholic, through and through. Before I started making dietary changes, I ate all day long and all the wrong foods. I ate to comfort myself when I was sad, ate when I was happy, excited, angry, etc etc. I ate when I was full. I would go to bed at night and literally dream of the food I planned on having the following day. Food was my addiction and I couldn't get enough of it. Even if my body was telling me I was full, my mind kept telling me to go and get one more donut or bag of chips...I used to cry all the time when I was eating, as I knew I needed to change but I felt helpless to do so.

    I've come a long way since then, but even now I have my 'bad' days where all I want to do is eat everything in sight. Difference is, now 'everything in sight' would be fruit, vegetables and chicken!
    I no longer keep any 'trigger' food in the house- if it isn't here, I can't eat it. I can tell you that it does get easier. It takes time and discipline, but over time your body and mind can learn to adapt to the changes you have made.

    Now, I find that I can only tolerate having 'junk' food once a week, if that. I allow myself a cheat day as it helps to keep me on track, and I find that when I eat bad foods, my body responds to it now. I feel bloated and sick and just unhappy. I much prefer eating healthy and exercising everyday- it's a much better feeling, plus I feel completely in control!

    Good luck with your journey and if you'd like to add me as a friend, please feel free to...same goes to everyone :)
  • Hey, my name is Jessi... and for me, this isn't just about weight loss.

    I want my life back. Compulsive over eating sucks. It's like an addiction that I have absolute no control over. I beat myself up about it constantly but that still doesn't change my behavior, hell... I'll be mentally screaming at myself while I am eating. SOMETHINGS gotta give. I feel ridiculous even admitting having this problem. I'm not generally viewed as a weak person. Or as someone who isn't confident in themselves honestly. I want to actually be the woman I portray myself to be, I don't want to pretend anymore. I don't want to be jealous of my friends who are smaller and better looking then me anymore. I've been through so much and I deserve much better for myself.

    Anyways, I'm done complaining now. I could use a friend or two on here. If you need some motivation I can try to help you out too!

    Today is the day that I begin to regain control dammit! You should too!

    Im in exactly the same situation. Yesterday I sat down and wrote out how I felt about food with the intention of making a blog and when I read through it I realised how bad my food addiction is... heres just a few lines of my thoughts that sound kinda like yours.

    "I believe that food is an addiction. Some people may not agree with me, but maybe because theyve never been addicted to food. I was obese child, I was raised eating way more than I should. If I see a buffet of food, I HAVE to munch my way through it until I feel full, and that takes a lot of eating. I physically feel incapable of stopping once I have started. I almost feel proud at the amount of food I can eat compared to others around me. Fortunately, if I plan my day and I KNOW theres a buffet, I can (sometimes) stop myself from touching it. But one bite... and im not stopping."


    "Why am I doing this? Why dont I just eat healthy meals everyday? Why dont I just aim for my macros like everyone yells at me? Well, from experience, im terrible at these things. Im awful at targeting my daily macros, hell I hit them, somedays Ill double them, but I never eat "just" the right amount. As for cooking, im ALWAYS on the move - trains, buses, lectures, going out etc - Im barely in my house. These are not excuses why I havnt lost weight... but they are REASONS. "


    "Im developing what many would call an unhealthy relationship with food, maybe it is for some, but for me, im just trying to avoid having any relationship with food. Sometimes when I eat, I dont even enjoy it, I feel controlled by it. I find myself munching my way through popcorn at the cinema just trying to get to the bottom of the bag well past the point where I stopped enjoying each bite but im determined not to waste anything!"
  • FloJoMcD
    FloJoMcD Posts: 2
    Not sure I can help but something twigged. Need to loose weight. When walking crss the road to the end of the street was a hassle and out of breath. I had to do it!
    Explained to a trainer who now has me jogging up hill around 50m x 4 and round the park mixed with other exercise I know it Bly gets better from here and so too will my weight but I am trying slowly to loose with healthy diet which this site helped with. At start I was 310lb HELP down to 296 so next target is 286

    Keep going but mot of all do it fror yoursel

    Good luck with me the same