Daniel Fast

Me & my husband are preparing to do the Daniel Fast next week for 7 days to start.
Our church is beginning this fast, leading up to Easter. (http://danielfast.wordpress.com/daniel-fast-food-list/)
We are both eager to do this, but of course still trying to meal plan and figure out how to go with no meat, no dairy, no sweeteners, no leavened bread products, no processed foods, and nothing but water to drink.
Any tips or advice?


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Check the local grocery store for Passover breads, healthy crackers, pasta, rice, quinoa and barley. Search online for Vegetarian Recipes. Add Fruit and you have it. Watch portion size of pasta, rice, pizza and other carbs. I know people who have gained weight on Vegetarian Diets.

  • gwenben57
    gwenben57 Posts: 7 Member
    Our pastor told us to read "The Daniel Fast" By Susan Gregory. Our fast was 21 days. The book is great it has daily devotionals, food lists and recipes. This book is great there are even recipes on how to make your own unleavened bread and condiments. I started off planning a menu for the week and would make enough to freeze for a rainy day. For example I made veggie lasagna and five bean soup and curry veggies one week. Also nuts help a lot but they are high in fat. Salsa and 100% corn tortillas are a quick snack as well and natural peanut butter and 100% real fruit jam. If you are open to different cuisines we eat a lot of Indian food when we want to eat out and ethiopian food. The vegetarian menus are pretty tastey. Also you can relax the rules a little and only allow yourself to eat whole wheat bread and no other. Just try to set your rules up front and stick to it. Hope this Helps. I am day 16 of the Daniel Fast and I can not lie and say it was easy but prayer and reading helps and staying away from tempting places helped.
  • AngelMc78
    AngelMc78 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for the advice :-)
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member