Need help restarting

So after losing 50 pounds I have gained 12 of them back! UGH!!!! The worst part is I know why, I haven't been working out and I've pretty much been eating whatever I feel like, oh and let's not mention the 3 bottles of wine I've been going through a week. I am trying to get myself back on track and have decided to get back into tracking my food, but I really need help getting back into exercising. I feel so good when I am done but I can't seem to find the motivation to even start. Does anybody have any helpful tricks they used to either get new motivation or keep going? Any help would be appreciated!!


  • crodrigu73
    crodrigu73 Posts: 134 Member
    I don't really have any advise except I am exactly where you are. I lost 55 pounds and then hit this mental block and I have now regain 11 pounds. I am so disappointed in myself. I am failing me and my family.
  • aqua_marine_light
    I despise exercising!!! It's been a struggle for me too. I have had trouble doing it because of injuries and being severly overweight. I have to be very careful what I do. But, I have found that doing new things that are fun, even if for only a little while, has helped me get moving!! I lost about 30 lbs last year, with no exercise. And I decided to buy me and my daughter a Wii and some dancing/sports games as one of our Christmas gifts. We had fun for a couple of months doing it nearly every day. I got tired of doing it, but we still do it on occasion. About a month ago, I started parking about 1/4 of a mile from the building I work in so I would get at least 1/2 mile of walking in a day, not really thinking of it as exercise. I also walk a little during some of my breaks, and before you know it, I'll have 30, 40, sometimes 45 minutes of walking in per day. Here lately we've been meeting some friends at a local park and playing some basketball after work. I ordered some Nike hiking boots online the other day, and when I get them I plan on doing some hiking maybe on the weekends(with friends). I say change it up, and little things add up!! I'm gradually getting in better shape, and actually having fun doing it. There's also some friends of mine that meet every week at a gym to play volleyball, and other friends that attend Zumba classes. When I feel more comfortable(after i lose some more weight) I hope to start joining them also. I have lost a little more than 60 lbs total just by doing those little things and eating better. I say change it up, and do things you enjoy doing. If your having trouble staying under your calorie goal, I would suggest only buying healthy foods. There are many things that I cannot buy at the store, because if I do I'm sure to go over my calorie goals. So, I have eliminated purchasing them. Don't buy any junk. I don't know of your religious beliefs, but I've had to rely on God to help me with my eating, and my exercising. And He is!! Hope something I've said helps. Best of luck on your journey. :)
  • careyharv
    careyharv Posts: 134 Member
    Are you able to get a trainer? I had one for about three months to hold me accountable for my workouts. I know how to work out, I just needed that extra push to get me to the gym.

    If you are not able to get a trainer, maybe a friend who is committed to working out can help you get going. Good luck!
  • danihonline
    I, like you, have the hardest time getting started, but know I feel great when I've finished a workout. I have cut out pics of what my "goal" body is and taped them next to my bed, on my bathroom mirror, and (most importantly) on the fridge. When I'm not wanting to tie my shoe laces that pic is in my mind and it gets me moving.

    I have also found that watching my pounds can be discouraging. I keep a closer watch on my measurements. In just one month I have lost 13.5 inches (getting closer to my skinny jeans everyday).

    Best of luck!
  • s0ready
    s0ready Posts: 99
    one thing that worked for me is that i am cheap! lol i paid for a membership a curves so if i wanted my money worth i had tme show up! Also find a buddy! i have my 2 year old who every morning whines to go for a walk...i then also have a 11 year old girl who wants me to have "girl time" with her so she knows that i want to exercise so she suggests a walk. Otherwise just really find something you enjoy....zumba is great if you like to dance (i love it) or really get some music you really love on an mp3 player crank it up and walk or whatever. Get a support system with who is gonna call you everyday and be like "did you exercise" so you feel accountable :wink: