5' 6" ladies -- how many calories?



  • Danardeener
    Danardeener Posts: 255
    I also have a desk job, my calories are set at 1210. I do cardio 3 times per week and eat all of my exercise calories. I am averaging a weight loss of about 1.5 lbs per week. I try to eat a lot of protein and vegetables.
  • jbella99
    jbella99 Posts: 596 Member
    I have about 1400 + plus exercise calories. Clean eating though, no processed foods.
  • Happinessgrl
    Happinessgrl Posts: 92 Member
    I am still in the progress of losing...

    I am simple minded so all the math involved in calculating this and that was giving me a major headache. I just set flat goals for me and they seem to be working well. It took me a while to figure out my own sweet spot but here they are...

    1300 - Workout "Days Off" - 1-4 days / week
    1400 - Workout "30mins Cardio" 1-3 days/ week
    1600 - Workout "60mins w/ Trainer" - 3 days / week
    2400 - Cheat Day 1-2 days / month

    Good Luck!!
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    5ft6 here, im on 1400 a day, and i try and burn a good amount of calories, some days i dont burn anything at all. i dont eat my excercise cals back, unless my stomach is growling at me. And i loose weight :)
  • kellymarie111
    kellymarie111 Posts: 51 Member
    I am 5'6, 201 pounds, 27 years old, and I eat between 2,700 - 3,200 calories a day

    I am eating to lose and am pretty active - doing P90X and zumba (twice a week on the zumba, 6 days a week P90X), but I have a desk job from 7AM-5PM so I'm chained to my desk during the day.

    I lost 35lbs within 4 months by undereating (1600 calories gross per day) and then plateaued for 5 months. Then I increased my calories significantly (to my current levels) and I've been losing weight consistently now.

    If I could stress anything to women reading this post - undereating will not get you there any sooner, so please PLEASE learn what BMR and TDEE mean and do this the right way! I feel 800 times better now that I am eating enough to fuel my body. Message me if you have any questions :)

    Hey hun, I'm only farely new to this so could you please explain TDEE To me, I have no idea what it is? Hehe. My mfp calorie net was 1220 but speaking to someone on here yesterday told me to go by my bmr, is that the right way to do it? Thanks :-)
  • VAMommyAgain
    VAMommyAgain Posts: 400 Member
    I use a BMF to track my calories burned. I average 2400 cals burned on rest days, 2900 cals burned when I do lifting followed by 20 min of cardio and 3400 on my long run days. I aim for a ~500 calorie deficit per day so I AVERAGE eating 2400 calories per day (I get 200 extra cals/day for breastfeeding so really it's more like 2200 cals/day). I am losing an average of 1.2 lbs per week. I work part time at a sedentary job and am home half time with my two little boys...having kids definitely contributes to a higher calorie burn. Hope that helps!
  • VAMommyAgain
    VAMommyAgain Posts: 400 Member

    I see people (women especially) who aren't losing and assume they need to drop their calories to lose.. before you do that, do some research. You may find that you actually need to UP your calories vs lower them!

    ^^^ ITA!!!! And you have to give it at least a month before deciding if that is going to work for you or not. If you've been undereating for a significant amount of time your body may need to repair before it will start losing on more food.
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    im 5'5 and on 1770 (but eat between 1600-2000 depending on the day).
    I have a desk job so should be sedentary, but increased my activity to 'lightly active' so that I dont log my exercise seperately, its already included in my calorie allowance.
    I exercise around 2000 a week, so net around 1500.

    eating more DOES work, I found this out by accident a few weeks ago due to an injury. I was eating 1650 and exercising most days so netted around 1200 and lost between 1-1.5lbs most weeks. following my injury i continued to eat 1650 but did NO exercise at all for 2 weeks, and lost 3,1.5,2,3 last month!!!
    Now that I am able to exercise a bit again, I am slowly upping my cals as the exercise increases to keep my net above 1500 as this seems to work best for me :-)
    MFP says I need to eat 1200 net to lose 1.8lbs a week, but I am losing more than that by netting 1500!!!!!!!!
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    I am 5'6, 201 pounds, 27 years old, and I eat between 2,700 - 3,200 calories a day

    I am eating to lose and am pretty active - doing P90X and zumba (twice a week on the zumba, 6 days a week P90X), but I have a desk job from 7AM-5PM so I'm chained to my desk during the day.

    I lost 35lbs within 4 months by undereating (1600 calories gross per day) and then plateaued for 5 months. Then I increased my calories significantly (to my current levels) and I've been losing weight consistently now.

    If I could stress anything to women reading this post - undereating will not get you there any sooner, so please PLEASE learn what BMR and TDEE mean and do this the right way! I feel 800 times better now that I am eating enough to fuel my body. Message me if you have any questions :)

    Hey hun, I'm only farely new to this so could you please explain TDEE To me, I have no idea what it is? Hehe. My mfp calorie net was 1220 but speaking to someone on here yesterday told me to go by my bmr, is that the right way to do it? Thanks :-)

    Writing you a message now :)
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    I'm 162 pounds... Right now I was working on maintaining while i recover from surgery...
    So I set my cals at 1840 (sedentary maint for my weight)
    I am losing eating that..
    Little workouts in the last week...
    Crazy, I typically eat about 2100 while burning about 800 a day... and was not losing...
    Maybe I really was eating tooooo little... Hmmm...

    I started to lose after going up calories to 1800 and eating exercise cal back. I know it sounds counter intuitive but my body really slows down the weight loss when I go below that. When I finally calculated my BMR it was 1755! So even if I spent the whole day in bed and never moved my body needs 1755 just to cover being alive without activity. Its took a few weeks to build up to past 1800 as I originally felt very full at 1200. Now I could eat almost that amount for breakfast and feel fine. I started with MFP needing to lose 100 pounds and have dropped 16 (after stalling the first few weeks eating low cal.

    Anyone want to work out their BMR you can try this site. It calculates it all for you no math needed.


    I recommend a number of groups here.




    One thing I don't see mentioned on the boards is that low calorie diets can aggravate gall bladder problems. Thats the original reason I stopped only eating 1200. I was getting alot of pain and didnt want it to end up a surgery solution. Luckily as soon as I went up to 1400 it stopped.
  • kateroot
    kateroot Posts: 435
    I eat around 1700 a day, up to 2000 on intense workout days. That said, I only have about 10-15 lbs to lose and I'm not expecting to lose it quickly. I'm more focused on increasing my strength and fitness, I know the weight loss will come with time.