

  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    ordered fitbit yesterday BTW. Should be here in a week or so for some experimentation :)
  • jesstiger81
    jesstiger81 Posts: 93 Member
    Food data base sucks for both [bodybugg and bodymedia fit].

    I hear this a lot, and I like to point out that there are some major issues (in my opinion) with mfp's food database which make me actually prefer the bodybugg food entry. In mfp, there is wayyyyyy too much data - and much of it is wrong. I'd much rather enter my own foods into a database with fewer options and know that the info is accurate. Like this morning, I went to put in my Life cereal and I had to search through about 100 "Life with milk" and other incorrect and usless-for-me options before I found the one that worked..... I find that this is more frustrating to me. I would rather have to add my own Life cereal. Then every other time I use it, it's only 1 of maybe 3 options to choose from!!! Much faster and less frustrating (to me)!!

    Just wanted to throw that out there.....

    It is frustrating how there are tons of options for certain things. But... it does have that bar code scanner which can scan even store brands and foods you wouldn't think would be in the database. I feel like the scanner is more accurate, and it's quick too, I think quicker than typing in the food... that is, if your food has a bar code on it.

    This is a great thread! So glad I found it because I was considering a Fit Bit but now think I might go with the Body Media Fit. I wanted the sleep tracker though, so who knows.