Balancing sodium vs calories?

What I have found is that if I want to keep my sodium intake at or below my max requirement AND I want to keep my calorie count at or below my allowed amount, then I really have to make most of my food myself. Buying soups and prepared meals that are labeled "healthy" at the store may keep my calorie count within bounds, but those foods are usually loaded with ungodly amounts of sodium. Even making my own food is challenging because just a teaspoon of salt has 2300 mg of sodium... which is the total daily allowed amount.


  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Exactly. I think this is the hardest lesson for many on MFP. Packaged food and restaurant food = Sodium bombs. Cook it yourself and you control the ingredients. I mainly cook everything myself and just keep a can of low sodium soup in my desk at work for emergencies (e.g. forgot my lunch and have no time to run out and grab something).
  • boggsmeister
    boggsmeister Posts: 292 Member
    I pay no attention at all to the sodium. Is that bad?
  • gitsmom
    gitsmom Posts: 15 Member
    :laugh: I am on a 1500 daily allowance for sodium due to Minear's disease. It is very difficult to keep your sodium in check. I do not eat much pre-prepared , package, canned or boxed foods. We buy frozen veggies, fresh meats and eat alot of salads and fruit and it is still difficult to stay at the 1500 mark and most days I am!!! But, logging your food intake on MFP will keep up with your sodium intake and you can learn what combinations of food work for you. Hang in there and stay away from any drive know you can eat the oatmeal, apple slices and side salads at Mc D's and salads at Subway. I also eat alot of tuna, eggs, chicken breast, and corn tortillas. ( not all together :-)