30 day shred question

Hi all, I'm new here and started Jillian Michaels 30 day shred yesterday. SO far I'm loving it, but I guess you can call me a worry wart because I am worried I won't lose any inches (don't really care about pounds) I'm afraid if I'm already at a normal weight that it won't really tone my body up. Right now I am 5'5 -5'6 and about 134 pounds, but I still have a lot of fat on my body. I eat right and stay within my limits, also I do about 30 extra minutes of this dvd called Shape it up by Debbie Siebers slime series. Should I be doing anything else? Should I quit 30 day shred and do something else?


  • hbiffle
    hbiffle Posts: 156 Member
    30DS will definitely tone you up! I didn't really lose any pounds, but I lost inches all over my body in the first 10 days from my neck to waist and hips! It truly works!!
  • 2012slimjim
    Ditto, now on day 10 (day 11 tomorrow and level 2aaarrrrggghhh) - lost 9 inches in the first 7 days including 2 off my waist, 3.5 from around my belly button, 1 off my chest and hips, 1/2 off each thigh and 1/4 off each arm.

    Good luck x
  • MorissaW
    MorissaW Posts: 95 Member
    30DS sound slike the perfect video for you! It will get you toned up and lose inches.
    I have lost about 8 inches so far, I am on level 2.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    30 Day Shred will help you get toned. I think it's better for toning than losing.

    I love Debbie Seibers, why not just do the whole series? That will also tone you very well. It's a longer workout, but she really hits all the muscle groups.