jack3d . . . . have you tried it ?

has anyone took jack3d before? i'm aiming to lose overall body fat + need some energy to get through my running hiit workouts + weight lifting ... a lady at my local gym class had told me about this, she said it helps her with energy and to get through her workouts.. but she is very tone with alot of muscle, i just want to lose body fat. iam not needing this as an everyday thing but only sometimes.. has any WOMEN taked it?? please don't bash on me about this type of stuff either, would just like to know some reviews since i see mostly MEN taking it and i'm not sure if this is for help towards MUSCLE building or what.. but i do not want to take this if it is for that purpose. thx


  • sportsforfun
    I have used nitric oxide supplements in the past and have gotten a mediocre pump from them. Nitric Oxide (which is essentially what jack3d is) is used to widen the blood vessels and thus allow for better blood flow and allow for a certain pump that bodybuilders talk about. It usually also involves caffiene to get your heart to pump faster to increase blood flow. With that being said, it is not a muscle builder so I wouldn't worry about that. I also do not think it is necessary especially if you are doing cardio when proper nutrition should provide you with the energy you need for your workout.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I used to take Capsiplex but it gives me awful heartburn and stopped working after a while. I did some research and found that Q10 which is naturally found in your body also works at a cell level to help your body make more energy.

    Some of us don't make enough and if that's your case Q10 may help, you can get it from health shops like Holland & Barratt and is often recommended to help people with a variety of conditions, unlike most caffeine based pills which only contain caffeine and chemicals not naturally found in our bodies to enhance performance!
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    I have used nitric oxide supplements in the past and have gotten a mediocre pump from them. Nitric Oxide (which is essentially what jack3d is) is used to widen the blood vessels and thus allow for better blood flow and allow for a certain pump that bodybuilders talk about. It usually also involves caffiene to get your heart to pump faster to increase blood flow. With that being said, it is not a muscle builder so I wouldn't worry about that. I also do not think it is necessary especially if you are doing cardio when proper nutrition should provide you with the energy you need for your workout.

    Not only is there caffeine but Beta Alanine as well, which promotes muscular endurance and delays muscle fatigue. There is also another compound that promotes mental focus (getting you in that zone) that helps IMO. Forgot which one it was so I don't want to lie to ya...ha. This is a Pre-Workout supp that gives that little edge. In short if you are not on this then you might only be able to push out 10 reps while on it you would be able to get that extra 2-3 reps in the lift. That does not sound like a lot but over the course of an entire workout it adds up. I personally prefer Noxipro from CTD Labs. Better quality compounds IMHO and about the same price. Does the same thing that Jack3d does. I will say though that I have never heard of many females that take a PWO (pre workout) supp. If you take it lemme know how you like it.
  • jourelemode
    first of all its not a nitric oxide product as stated in one of the above post. The primary focus of this supplement is DAA (dimethylamylamine). When this first showed up on the market it was all the rage for a few months. all the supplement companies started adding it to their line of supplements then some negative feedback popped up and almost all the companies that jumped on the bandwagon previously started removing it from their proprietary blends because people were complaining that they did not want that particular compound in their preworkout supplements.

    only way to find out is to try it yourself, it might help you with motivation in the gym, but let me tell you a little about my experience with it. I took it about 2 years ago when it first came out. I finished the entire case of jack3d, it makes you feel kind of weird at first, like you want to jump out of your skin kind of almost anxiety attackish. I feel that the energy it gives is short lived, lasted me about an hour and afterward it crashes you a bit. also, from day one I took 2 scoops, the next day 2 scoops I didn't feel...you gotta be careful with this because DAA can have a negative effect on your central nervous system, this is bad. Usually what people do is when they don't feel it at their previous dosage, they would add another scoop and that isn't smart with DAA.

    another thing, military bases that have GNC's have banned jack3d. it tests positive for methamphetamine's when soldiers are tested. hope that helps.
  • dawnkykong
    dawnkykong Posts: 64 Member
    I've tried Jack3d..I liked it. It was actually my favorite out of all the preworkout drinks I've tried. My husband gets them so I drink them every once in a while. I've tried NoExplode which made me feel like I was going to die! Not really, I'm exaggerating...But I didn't like the way it made me feel. I've tried C4 and didn't like it...I didn't feel like it 'pumped' me up enough. Those are the only 3 I've tried and out of all of them, I liked Jack3d best..And my favorite flavor is fruit punch.
  • thefuzz1290
    thefuzz1290 Posts: 777 Member
    Jack3d really didn't do anything for me, but NO Xplode, Black Powder, and NanoVapor did. Call the company and get a free sample to see if you like it before you spend the money on buying a container.
  • MelsieK
    MelsieK Posts: 72
    I would go with No Xplode myself. Have tried the Jack, but just doesn't give me the same buzz as the No Xplode.

    Jack3d really didn't do anything for me, but NO Xplode, Black Powder, and NanoVapor did. Call the company and get a free sample to see if you like it before you spend the money on buying a container.

    I agree with this, call the company, best way is to try it all and see what works for you. I also often switch my supps around. At the moment I'm just on protein and Acetyl-L-Carnitine.
  • BrieC
    BrieC Posts: 26
    I've used it on days when I'm trying to lift heavy..if you're not looking to put on muscle (which Jack3d really won't do), maybe look into OEP, which will give you energy to get through your running workouts
  • Katiemarie4488
    Katiemarie4488 Posts: 242 Member
    I use it, and I love it. But, pay attention to the amount of water you have to drink. If I dont drink enough water before and after, I feel sick.

    Also, the green apple flavor is the only flavor I am able to handle lol
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    As far as pre workouts go, didn't think Jack3d was all that special.
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 753 Member
    Yeah seriously - just take a bunch of caffeine pills and arginine and you can prob replicate 99% of the effects of most pre-workouts (throw in some beta-alanine if you want the itchy feeling)....
    As far as pre workouts go, didn't think Jack3d was all that special.
  • myak623
    myak623 Posts: 616 Member
    I like Cellucor C4 Extreme. It's given me a bit more energy.
  • sydnisd183
    sydnisd183 Posts: 247 Member
    I'm a female and i've taken Jack3d maybe a dozen times as a pre-workout. It gives me the energy to power through a workout session when i'm tired (i'm up early in the morning and want something quick and don't want to drink a cup of coffee) I also have Vasocharge, N-O xplode, etc at the house (other pwo's i've bought over the years) and to me they're all the same. Work for a while, then my body gets used to it and it's just like drinking a cup of coffee. I just don't want to throw any of it away because i've already spent the $$ on them lol.
  • monkeefun
    monkeefun Posts: 271 Member
    I used Jack3d for quite a while, and lost 20 pounds while using it. It totally gave me the pump and energy needed to kill a workout! The catch is, though, like an above poster said, you start to need more and more, which is REALLY not healthy (not to mention expensive...). And, as time wore on, I start feeling really crappy with it. It might initially give me the pump when I'd first take it, but then throughout the day I'd feel lethargic, lazy, upset stomach, aggressive and just plain impatient and mean. I 100% believe that was the jack3d making me miserable. I switched to N.O. Xplode, and while I'm still getting used to it, I'm not getting any negative side effects from it yet.
  • SaundraM2009
    SaundraM2009 Posts: 65 Member
    I occasionally use it when I really just DON'T want to work out. I typically workout at 5:30 am, and it's usually ok, but some mornings I need an extra kick in the pants.
  • Chris_acc_can
    Yes, this product is geared towards muscle development. It's designed to increased blood (oxygen) flow so you can essentially "pump" more at the gym. I don't believe in these products, but you asked not to be lectured, so I won't.

    I would look towards taking an energy bar (Clif bars pre workout) that will give you sustained energy throughout workout. You can also take a BCAA product (Like BioSteel) that will help with energy and recovery. Gatorade also makes a during workout drink that will do the trick.
