Finding a balance


I'm on my first week of using this weight loss method and am having a bit of trouble balancing things out. I seem to be using either almost all of my protein allowance and not enought carbs or vice versa with calories left over. Does it really matter that much if you go over or under your allowance as long as you don't eat over your calorie goal or is it just as important? Sorry if this is a silly question but I want to do this right from the offset rather than pick up bad habits.

Thank you so much



  • jcarnes66
    jcarnes66 Posts: 40 Member
    Hi there! My opinion is this (you know what they say about opinions!) : the numbers are strictly there as a guide. As a guy, I prefer to absolutely ignore the numbers they use for protein. I normally eat at least twice what they 'recommend'. That said, I also stay within the total number of calories. Normally my carbs and fats are well below what is recommended. Also, I typically have anywhere from 50 to 250 calories remaining each day.

    Hope this helps!
