40 plus women struggling or having struggled with weight los

Are there any women out there around age 40 who are struggling with weight loss? or any who have been successful?

Here's my deal. I have always been overweight....not a lot, just not skinny (EVER!) (I weighed 140 when I got married and that lasted about a month!) After each of my first 4 kids, I was able to get down to a happy weight of 150-160 (I'm a 5'7" farmgirl). After kid number 5, at age 35, the lowest I got was about 170....with I was "okay" with. Now, at age 41, weight has been added and I am about 190ish. YUCK!

Here's the kicker......I take a cycle class for 60 minutes 2 days a week, elliptical plus weights/core 3 days a week, and pilates once a week. Plus whatever outside housecleaning, laundry, etc. keeping up with the 5 kids. I do not sit around all day doing nothing. And, I count calories. (1350 is my MFP) I try and only eat back about 1/2 my workout calories. I will be the first to admit that I do not keep 100% count of my calories, but I try.

So.....why is the scale not changing? What do I need to do? I still want to enjoy life!


  • chachadiva150
    chachadiva150 Posts: 453 Member
    I'm no expert but here is what I would do for the next TWO weeks:

    1. Cut out all processed foods. Eat real, whole foods only.
    2. Cut out all added salt from your diet. Don't add salt when you cook. Rely on the food's natural sodium.
    3. Stop your current workouts and completely change. It sounds like you do gym stuff. Skip the gym for the next two weeks. Go to your local library and check out an assortment of intermediate level aerobics and toning videos. Do them 5-7 days a week.
    4. Count and cycle your calories. Do a couple of really low days (1100) and a few really high days (1700). Play around with adding back your exercise calories. Some days add them and some days skip them.
    5. Cut out all sweets and reduce the amount of processed carbs.
    6. Plan all your meals ahead of time so you'll be sure to stay on track. Cook them ahead of time if possible.

    The goal is to really shake your body up for two weeks.