Anyone else experience weight gain after adding exercise?

I have put on weight since starting Jillian Michaels 30 day shred 23 days ago. I know they say muscle weighs more, but surely it can't weigh that much more and how much muscle could I have possibly built up in just 23 days? I am going to get back to tracking my food better and making sure I am not consuming too many calories. Going to do the shred again (after I finish it this time) and watch my calorie intake closely. Kind of frustrated that I put in the effort with the exercise and then the the food go! One of these days I'm going to get them both going at the same time!!!


  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Several things:

    Muscle is more compact, not heavier. 1 cubic foot of muscle DOES weigh more than 1 cubic foot of fat

    Your sore muscles can retain water. How's your sodium.

    Take measurements. Because muscle is compact, you may lose inches but not pounds. Still it's a smaller you!

    Your calorie burn could be overstated, do you use a heart rate monitor? Don't eat back MORE calories than you've burned.