Help i'm a carb junkie!

I basically love carbs, but I usually eat my full calorie allowance in carbs then end up still feeling hungry. Does anyone have any ideas for high protein foods that will keep me feeling full for longer?


  • felcandy
    felcandy Posts: 228 Member
    i am too, i came on here today because basically everything i eat is CARBSSSSS *sigh*

    i was just raised to expect carbs with every meal, its hard to break the habit
  • DeniseChilver
    DeniseChilver Posts: 185 Member
    Same for me too I'm a cabs person so will be interested to see people's replies :-)
  • MrsGoHard
    MrsGoHard Posts: 150 Member
    you could always attach a buzzer to any carb that you find yourself getting ready to eat... and then the moment it touches your lips you can get buzzed...


    I honestly have been trying to take the "can I afford it" approach to things like carbs. I have PCOS, and I crave carbs like a mad woman. This ver moment, I will stab a carebear for some pancakes.... But I simply cannot afford them right now. I suggest looking at the food like money and your body is the bank. Sounds corny, but it helps me. Oh... and chewing gum. for whatever reason when I'm craving terrible carbs, chewing gum helps me forget about them.
  • shortymordy
    There was a time in my life when I would eat all carbs, all the time. When I cut back, I had serious cravings. At that point, it was solely my willpower that kept me from giving in to my cravings.

    For meals, veggies, veggies, and more veggies. You can often eat as much as you like, with very little carb count. I'm not really crazy about vegetables, but I have to make myself load up on them, and only take one small scoop of carbs. For snacks, nuts are a great option. I'm currently snacking on some almonds. Again, not my favorite snack, but it's a matter of willpower.

    I'll never cut out carbs completely. Tried that once and it wasn't pretty. But the carbs I choose are whole grain (bread, pasta, etc), and I always make sure the veggie outnumbers the carbs on my plate by 2:1.

    Good luck!