Looking to gain 16+ Pounds



  • paleojamie
    paleojamie Posts: 191
    How did you calculate your maintenance? It seems rather low to me...you can try it...see what happens.

    my fitness pal told me it was 2190 for my age/height/activity level/weight

    I think it's right.

    if not though I cant afford to eat too much more on a student budget anyway :)

    nonsense--what you're eating will determine the cost. an extra 300 calories isn't going to break the bank.

    I dont feel like I do need to add any more .; but I can't have dairy .. and peanuts .. so yeah .

    but I feel like 2800 is good for me .. I mean I was eating 2000 a day as little as 3 weeks ago .. to add in 800 cals is pretty big in my opinion, I am proud and feel that I am on the road to some good weight gain (hopefully 0.5lbs a week)
  • paleojamie
    paleojamie Posts: 191
    I feel also gaining the weight slowly, will mean the weight gained will less likely be fat.

    Anyone else out there ? :)
  • Taylerr88
    Taylerr88 Posts: 320 Member
    i just finished a year long bulk. put on about 50 pounds. just make sure you do it slow.. i took more of a power lifting type approach to it to get my strength up as fast as possible. and with that i did put on a little gut.. it doesn't really bother me.. it should be gone by the summer but.. if you head over to bb.com... the rough number is 500+ now i wouldn't actually recommend this because... 500 every day for 7 days a week is 3500 calories over your limit.. thats 1 pound a fat.. it adds up.. take it slow. aim for .5 pounds a week to start.

    the main thing with bulking is make sure you get stronger every time you go to the gym.. this will help with the fat gain.. and its really the main reason you are bulking.

    as for calories .. i was consuming over 3000.. with 1.2 pounds gained for 52 weeks. little dirty.. but my strength kept me motivated.. hit 2+plate bench. 3+plate squat 4+plate dl so fast it was almost crazy.

    Also.. i would rec. bulking past your desired weight you want to achieve then cut down to it... that is where i sit atm. kind of how i ended up on these forums. seems like a cool place to get motivation =p ..
  • paleojamie
    paleojamie Posts: 191
    i just finished a year long bulk. put on about 50 pounds. just make sure you do it slow.. i took more of a power lifting type approach to it to get my strength up as fast as possible. and with that i did put on a little gut.. it doesn't really bother me.. it should be gone by the summer but.. if you head over to bb.com... the rough number is 500+ now i wouldn't actually recommend this because... 500 every day for 7 days a week is 3500 calories over your limit.. thats 1 pound a fat.. it adds up.. take it slow. aim for .5 pounds a week to start.

    the main thing with bulking is make sure you get stronger every time you go to the gym.. this will help with the fat gain.. and its really the main reason you are bulking.

    as for calories .. i was consuming over 3000.. with 1.2 pounds gained for 52 weeks. little dirty.. but my strength kept me motivated.. hit 2+plate bench. 3+plate squat 4+plate dl so fast it was almost crazy.

    thanks :) yeah I definitely imaging it is very easy to put on fat. whilst I dont really want fat I know it is inevitable with a bulk, which I dont mind :) just want to be bigger .. I am only looking to gain 16lbs anyway so .. hopefully a lot of that will be muscle.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    A lot of people here do bulks. I just finished one. Strong Lifts is a great program, I also just started that. It's kind of a strength program and not necessarily a "hypertrophy" program but I'd still stick with it if I were you. Start with your 2800 calories and see where that takes you. I'd be willing to bet that you'd need to eat more than that. Good luck.

    Oh, and this is a good group:
  • paleojamie
    paleojamie Posts: 191
    Thinking of hitting the gym today to do the stronglifts, scary though going in the weights room ... so many people and they all know what they are doing lol.
  • SlinkyPinkyBunsOfSteel
    Have my 16lbs spare!
    No! Take my last 15 and one of hers! :bigsmile:
  • paleojamie
    paleojamie Posts: 191
    Just did day 1 of the stronglifts 5*5 program.

    Was quite tough, started really light to work on the form :)

    Feels like it gives a better workout than the machines I used to use.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Just did day 1 of the stronglifts 5*5 program.

    Was quite tough, started really light to work on the form :)

    Feels like it gives a better workout than the machines I used to use.

    It totally does. My lifting partner also just switched from machines to Strong Lifts and he said the same thing. Good job.
  • paleojamie
    paleojamie Posts: 191
    the weights just seem to be bettter :)

    better range of motion and everything.