


  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    What was the side effect of the drugs that worked? You could take something else for the side effect?

    The side effect is rls and I can't take the drug that most docs perscribe for it, and I haven't found a doctor yet who will try something else. I just deal with it. I have it even off the med, but it's amplified on it.
  • boodlelibra
    boodlelibra Posts: 74 Member
    Similar boat, minus hospitalization. I've been taking B vitamins and St John's and don't think they help but it's hard to tell cuz I don't want to quit and spiral. Exercise seems to be the only thing that helps - I particularly like weights, jogging, and zumba. I've been in a particularly hard funk the last couple months and though I don't look forward to working out I feel better afterwards. I'm doing Couch to 5K right now, 3 workouts a week that increase gradually in difficulty. Was going to try taking a class at the CC but I'm not interested in anything.

    Wish I had more for you, at least knowing we're not alone is a start I guess.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    Exercise is meant to be beneficial for depression. I do Wii fit, you mentioned having a child you could do fun games like the dancing ones and youre keeping fit, playing with your child and having fun.

    I notice a difference if I exercise first thing my mood is lifted all day, if I haven't managed it for a few days, I get depressed quickly over tiniest thing and sends me into a panic I have no support and housebound for much of the time so get all of my support from online friends and communities,

    I don't take anything for depression either but reducing the pain levels has helped and thats come from exercise and getting some weight off.
  • katherinemm31
    I've dealt with depression my whole life, too, and have been on meds most of my adult life. I'm sorry you're in a bad place right now. That sucks.

    The thing that gets me up and moving the most is a regular schedule of meaningful, active work that takes me out of the house. Seriously, I can waste an entire day on the couch if I don't have something that makes me get out. I'm very mission oriented, meaning I want to do something good for the world, so as much as I can do that, I will, but I need the right structure. It's pretty common knowledge that people who are depressed can have great difficulty maintaining motivation and structure on their own.
    Right now, my schedule demands I get out three times a week, but I am trying to increase it to five. I don't know if you have time to work or volunteer, but if you can, then do it.

    Incidentally, my mom has been like this her whole life, too. And you often see retired people go through depression when they don't get out and do something that makes them feel good about themselves. Mothers who need adult interaction also get down because they feel trapped (though they love their kids). I guess it's kind of normal to a point because everyone needs to feel s/he is accomplishing something and needs a way to connect to others. People who get depressed regularly and overeat have even greater challenges, but that doesn't mean they can be overcome. Just my two cents. Hang in there.
  • Kailel
    Kailel Posts: 61 Member
    My last antidepressant loaded on 50lbs in 3 months that I've been taking the last 3 years to get off. Nothing like 50lbs in 3 months to really add to a depressed person's self-issues. :/

    Anyway, when I can't get myself out of bed, laughter's most important to me. Watch something you remember liking way back when, or spend some of the day looking at cat pictures or whatever you're into. No, it won't cure your depression-- in my experience of 12 years, nothing does that, but it will take the edge off. Maybe there's something in theatres so you can get out of the house AND see something funny. Staying in the house is probably the worst thing you can do, even if it feels like you want it.

    Exercising really does help, even if it seems almost impossible to start, but it has to be something you at least marginally enjoy doing. Go on a picturesque walk or dance to some music you like... whether or not you look good doing it.

    Best of luck getting back to someplace more manageable in your depression.
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    I’ve been battling depression since I was very young; unfortunately no medication ever “helped” me. (very very long story) i wanna just reach out and say that recently I had a panic attack streak that lasted from Feb 25 till about a week ago.. I couldn’t eat anything, I layed in bed and cried, and I skipped a week of college. I honestly thought if life was gonna be like this, I don’t want to be here. The dr’s “couldn’t find anything wrong with me”. I read up on some natural things you could do online and I started taking SAM-E. I just wanna say that I was smiling today. Actually smiling. And I’m tearing up now thinking about how nice it feels to be normal, and how everyone takes for granted little things. How my eyes used to glaze over when I ate dinner at the table, or how everyone complains about getting up early when I would love not to lay in bed till noon.. You should really check it out, totally not trying to just sell a product here. I honestly think it’s worth a shot. 14 dollars for a months’ worth, I bought mine at target in the supplement isle. be warned tho the box says to take 6 tablets a day (1200 mg) but i have been reading online review things and people report adverse side effects (sometimes) after 400. so im sticking to 1 pill a day. it has shown help in many other areas too like liver function, alzheimer's, osteoarthritis, and joint pain. (to name a few) i also read it was better to take it with a b vitamin. The b complex ones i have say "turns food into energy" and "promote healthy brain function" so to say the least, I’m feeling pretty great :] I wish you the best, keep your head up.
  • refinley2
    refinley2 Posts: 52 Member
    For me, the depression comes in strong waves. Using my journal wasn't as helpful as I would have liked. So I went to walmart, bought 50 sheets of giant white construction paper, a set of craft brushes, and black acrylic paint. On days that felt emotionally overwhelming, I would bury myself in a good song and paint it out.

    I don't paint. I can't paint.
    The pictures look like black scribbles. But it feels so good.
    Sharpies, chalk, ink, water colors, sponges, playdoh, finger paint. On days that feel like nothing will ever change and there's no point to move, I crawl out of bed and scribble.
  • mill1295
    mill1295 Posts: 120 Member
    I read about a study where people who exercised were actually helped the same amount as other depressed patients who took medication, except those that exercised had longer lasting effects than those who took medication if they stopped. So hopefully that will help motivate.

    Also, do you eat low fat products? Because a lack of fat (it's a nutrient) in your diet can lead to depression or make it worse! I've noticed a huge difference with myself now that I've started buying full fat products and started cooking with more EVOO!
  • editnonnalynn
    editnonnalynn Posts: 495 Member
    i am praying for all of you who suffer. I used to be very depressed. Once, in ?1992? there was a commercial for some drug or treatment center and it listed the symptoms of depression, such as insomnia, lack of interest, crying spells, not cleaning up, sleeping a lot, etc. One symptom was 'thoughts of suicide'. My NINE year old said (nonchalantly) "Mom, you have all of those but the suicide thoughts" Boy was she wrong about those thoughts! If I had had no children, I would have done it. There is hope, though. Really.

    I will keep praying for y'all. I know it's like a prison you cannot get out of. But it is not YOU. You are wonderfully made and have done no worse than anyone else (for me I thought I was responsible for EVERYTHING), I never took meds and never got counselling, BUT if you need that-get that! I found deep people who showed me I am LOVED, and it took a long time. I continued to cut myself, threaten my husband with suicide, cry, and all those symptoms above, but they started to fall away as I changed my focus. I hope you find Hope!

    Believe and be well, nonnalynn
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    My last antidepressant loaded on 50lbs in 3 months that I've been taking the last 3 years to get off. Nothing like 50lbs in 3 months to really add to a depressed person's self-issues. :/

    Anyway, when I can't get myself out of bed, laughter's most important to me. Watch something you remember liking way back when, or spend some of the day looking at cat pictures or whatever you're into. No, it won't cure your depression-- in my experience of 12 years, nothing does that, but it will take the edge off. Maybe there's something in theatres so you can get out of the house AND see something funny. Staying in the house is probably the worst thing you can do, even if it feels like you want it.

    Exercising really does help, even if it seems almost impossible to start, but it has to be something you at least marginally enjoy doing. Go on a picturesque walk or dance to some music you like... whether or not you look good doing it.

    Best of luck getting back to someplace more manageable in your depression.

    Laughter does help. I spend all day with my 8 month old. She is the goofiest 8 month old on the planet. She always brings a smile to my face even with tears in my eyes. Even today when she told me no at dinner, I couldn't help but giggle.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    bump. I'm sure you will get some good answers.
  • RUN2CJ
    RUN2CJ Posts: 64 Member
    Have a little faith, it will give you something else to focus your mind on...
  • blandwriter
    blandwriter Posts: 50 Member
    Talk therapy is important, in my opinion. Beyond that, I would agree with posters who advise seeking medical advice. It looks like you have resources in your community if you cannot afford a doctor's visit:
  • pace4me
    pace4me Posts: 17 Member
    I had to go through lots of journaling, and allowing myself to cry. Also, walking and running almost daily!!! My thoughts are getting out and moving is better than any anxiety/depression med. out there and have been on a few. Good luck and there is power in prayer!!!
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    Talk therapy is important, in my opinion. Beyond that, I would agree with posters who advise seeking medical advice. It looks like you have resources in your community if you cannot afford a doctor's visit:

    they will end up sending you to the nord center. That is where I was over medicated. I won't go there. I know other people who have had issues there too. The doctors there pass out pills like candy.
  • katherinemm31
    I've dealt with depression my whole life, too, and have been on meds most of my adult life. I'm sorry you're in a bad place right now. That sucks.

    The thing that gets me up and moving the most is a regular schedule of meaningful, active work that takes me out of the house. Seriously, I can waste an entire day on the couch if I don't have something that makes me get out. I'm very mission oriented, meaning I want to do something good for the world, so as much as I can do that, I will, but I need the right structure. It's pretty common knowledge that people who are depressed can have great difficulty maintaining motivation and structure on their own.
    Right now, my schedule demands I get out three times a week, but I am trying to increase it to five. I don't know if you have time to work or volunteer, but if you can, then do it.

    Incidentally, my mom has been like this her whole life, too. And you often see retired people go through depression when they don't get out and do something that makes them feel good about themselves. Mothers who need adult interaction also get down because they feel trapped (though they love their kids). I guess it's kind of normal to a point because everyone needs to feel s/he is accomplishing something and needs a way to connect to others. People who get depressed regularly and overeat have even greater challenges, but that doesn't mean they can be overcome. Just my two cents. Hang in there.
    "People who get depressed regularly and overeat have even greater challenges, but that doesn't mean they can be overcome." I meant CANNOT be overcome.
  • savannahwhitexoxo
    I take a generic Celexa and it's only $4 a month and it works great for me!
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    I’ve been battling depression since I was very young; unfortunately no medication ever “helped” me. (very very long story) i wanna just reach out and say that recently I had a panic attack streak that lasted from Feb 25 till about a week ago.. I couldn’t eat anything, I layed in bed and cried, and I skipped a week of college. I honestly thought if life was gonna be like this, I don’t want to be here. The dr’s “couldn’t find anything wrong with me”. I read up on some natural things you could do online and I started taking SAM-E. I just wanna say that I was smiling today. Actually smiling. And I’m tearing up now thinking about how nice it feels to be normal, and how everyone takes for granted little things. How my eyes used to glaze over when I ate dinner at the table, or how everyone complains about getting up early when I would love not to lay in bed till noon.. You should really check it out, totally not trying to just sell a product here. I honestly think it’s worth a shot. 14 dollars for a months’ worth, I bought mine at target in the supplement isle. be warned tho the box says to take 6 tablets a day (1200 mg) but i have been reading online review things and people report adverse side effects (sometimes) after 400. so im sticking to 1 pill a day. it has shown help in many other areas too like liver function, alzheimer's, osteoarthritis, and joint pain. (to name a few) i also read it was better to take it with a b vitamin. The b complex ones i have say "turns food into energy" and "promote healthy brain function" so to say the least, I’m feeling pretty great :] I wish you the best, keep your head up.

    I did not know about SAM-E. How long do you have to take before it starts to work? couple days, a week or longer?
    I want to try it since it also has other benefits.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Have a little faith, it will give you something else to focus your mind on...

  • keddabee
    keddabee Posts: 81
    Hey. I too have suffered with depression my whole life but didnt realise it until I almost committed suicide.

    I'm still on meds but in NZ where I live they are government funded and you only have to pay a small fee.

    Even with the meds I still get into slumps like this but it is easier to get out of when your on the meds.

    I did try taking St Johns Wart and Vitamin B. Also I found a good nights sleep does miracles. I suffer from depression, anxiety and insomnia so it makes me appreciate the sleep I do get. Have a cup of camomile tea before bed and always have a shower with lavender to make you sleepy. We have baby lotion that has lavender in it which I use sometimes just to put me to sleep.

    I hate exercising and when people say 'just go for a walk' that is the LAST thing I want to do when Im depressed. I dont want to be around myself let alone anyone else and when you go walking you're in public.. the last place you want to be.

    I really hope this helps. Feel free to add me as a friend if you wish because I'd love to be part of your support group. Its always nice to have someone whos been through it and understands exactly how you are feeling. Just having someone there to vent to and someone to listen to all the crap helps sometimes!