Who else is on the injured list?



  • Edithrenee
    Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
    Me to!! oh wow I have heel pain bad in my left foot and in my right foot pain in the back of the heel... I am very flexable so i dont think that is the problem for me i think for me it is i have been exerciseing like 5 to 6 days aweek and i have not lost anything so i think the weight has hurt my feet. I went and got a night brace and after i exericse i ice both of them. But as of today it is getting worse so i may have to do nothing a few days and that is sooo hard for me I love to exercise.. love it and i feel i was on a rolll and bam this is happening.. i really wish i could lose some of the weight soon i know it will help my knees and feet
  • Brinasacat
    Brinasacat Posts: 505 Member
    It's taken me over a year to get back to 75% of where my knee was before I had it scoped from an injury.
  • calgarychick2012
    calgarychick2012 Posts: 65 Member
    I just broke my ankle waiting to see if I need pins. I am bummed no wight on my leg at all. I have done a little upper body strength training not much. Thank goodness i have awesome friends who have cooked for me (yes low fat low cal) they are awesome. someone mentioned yoga if anyone can recomeend something I am all ears (do not have yoga pilates exp) just concentrating on eating well drinking lots of water
  • jenaissance
    jenaissance Posts: 302 Member
    I have a severely herniated disc. It's been 6 years, lol, and 2 years of constant enough pain to prevent me from any form of exercise (I used to run too). I've just started strength training to build up my core. After two weeks I can actually bend over and pick things up again, so I have hope! :D Injuries SUCK.
  • RCadence
    RCadence Posts: 79
    Does having a sore bum from using stationary bikes count lol?
  • Edithrenee
    Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
    Any fellow MFPers sidelined from their regular workout routines by an injury? I have plantar fasciitis, tendonitis in my Achilles, and a bone spur - all from running in the fall. i wore a night splint for 6 weeks, a walking boot for 3 weeks, and am currently in week 3 of 7 weeks of physical therapy, twice a week. I have been banned from running or anything with impact on my foot.

    Let's be honest, all I know how to do is run. So tonight I went to the gym for the first time in 4 months...and I sucked. I did an elliptical for 10 minutes (that hurt), did bike for about 15 minutes (that hurt), and then pouted like a baby and went home and ate a bunch of chips.

    Clearly, I need some motivation/a swift kick in the pants.I am currently 195 lbs...and as a former competitive runner who was 120 in my prime, this is not the glorious start to my weight loss journey that I had envisioned.

    I can totally sympathize with the plantar fasciitis It's really horrible! But on the plus side it did make me go out and buy a decent pair of trainers that totally cured the problem and so far, are still doing that.

    what shoes did you finaly get to help with this.. I wanted to buy new balance 1125 i think is the name or asics gel numibus or another one like that but there is none here anywhere and i hate to order on line. I have to be able to try them on . I even tried the ones in stores here i just bought three differnet pair of shoes and they still arnt right..Ii know i cant take them back.. I paid alot for them to.. i have to be able to try them on and walk in them awhile and i dont know a store around here alows you to do this.. it sucks i do not mind paying ahigh price if they are gonna work.. but the ones i got are not enough cushion and/ or stbiltity.. very irritating
  • cherryObebe
    cherryObebe Posts: 189
    Add me to the fractured toe group! It's ridiculously annoying. I never knew a toe could cause so much discomfort and inconvenience!!! I am trying to do what I can in terms of exercise, but it is pretty pathetic. They almost put a wire (the way the do a pin) in it. It constantly breaks back open and bleeds, even though it is dressed, wrapped, and I am in a surgical shoe. LOL So. Over. It.

    Sorry for your injuries. You guys make me feel better about my own!!!! Some of you have some major bummers!!!

    Wishing everyone a speedy recovery!!!
  • PedmomJill
    PedmomJill Posts: 505 Member
    I had a BAD hamstring pull a little over 3 months ago and it's still not normal. I have maybe 65% of the flexibility I used to have. It also hurts after about 45 minutes of jogging/fast walking.I'm afraid it will never be normal again. :(
  • brittanylock09
    brittanylock09 Posts: 197 Member
    Gosh, I feel old and I'm only 20 (21 on thursday). I've had a rod for my femur and a replaced knee since I was 11. I used to follow what the doctor would say which is partially the reason I am the weight I am. I wasn't allowed no contact sports, no running, roller blading, or high risk things. I had to relearn how to walk but before that my tendons tightened up and the surgeon had to go back in and shorten the rod...9 months after my first surgery. then it took about 3 months or more to relearn how to walk. I have pain EVERY SINGLE DAY. I just take aleve and bare it. I get arthritic pain and I have a loss of bone mass, but I still put in the sweat and tears. If I can do it, then ya'll can do it. Find something that works with your impairment and push it to the max. Yeah, so what it hurts. Go take a hot bath, some aleve, and use a heating pad. I take aleve almost daily so I know if I can fight through it daily ya'll can fight through a workout! :) Keep at it!! We're all in this together!!
  • reginapeak
    I tore something in my right foot last year running a 6K. Went to a Podiatrist and he just said it would heal. When it didn't "just heal" I went back and was told it was plantar fasciatis. So now I have to sleep with the boot. I was recommended stretching, and ice.
    I got rid of almost all of my work high heels, invested in sensible shoes, and got fitted for great pronation support running shoes. But I still hurt.
    I do 30-45 minutes of elliptical 5-6 nights a week. When it starts to hurt I get down and stretch out my foot and that helps.
    But I still have pain! I have a 5K coming up at the end of the month. Im not sure if I will be walking the whole thing.
    I admit to being frustrated as I love to run and wanted to incorporate it into my activities.
    I started at 212 and am now down to 198.
    I will continue to do all the right things I am supposed to for my foot- but right now I am frustrated.
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    Well my back went out on me yesterday morning!!! I could finally stand up right by the afternoon! I'm still not 100% but i will just do some light cardio starting tomorrow and see how I feel Tuesday before I decide if I should lift weights yet.

    This was supposed to be my best calorie burning week to date :-/
  • Tanyawhite30
    I broke my ankle Feb 3rd..had to had surgery and I still have a cast on....but I did not let this get on the way of making good choices for myself, and I found exercises I can do, I am not going to take this has a excuse for not exercising.
  • LadyRush
    LadyRush Posts: 95 Member
    Maybe try something different....I joined a belly dance class 3 years ago and haven't stopped. It's great for all body sizes and fitness levels. Even great for the naturally uncoordinated, like me!!!!
  • mmstgr
    mmstgr Posts: 578 Member
    Stress fracture in my left tibia
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    I am,

    I have a benign tumour in my kidney, it was embolised back in December, it's shrunk down to 4.8cm from 7cm but is still pretty sore, I started slowly and am doing quite a bit more now. I use the elliptical, low impact aerobics, dumbbell exercises using a lower weight than I used to, some tai chi and have just started doing some yoga all at home, it's all pretty okay but causes some kidney pain and I'm still having to take co-codamol after. Strangely the worst thing I've done is playing on the wii for a bit just the old school games (rowing, bowling, cycling), the twisting really set me back.

    I'm hoping that in a further 4 months I can be back to normal.
  • Oliviamarie05
    Oliviamarie05 Posts: 528 Member
    For the people asking about some yoga you can try at home: I bought The Works with Sharon Mann. She has a 1024 workout combination DVD. I usually just pick one of the pre-made workouts which is 40 minutes long and cools you down with Tai Chi. It was a $4 DVD at Zellers and can probably be found anywhere really. I really enjoy it, and I don't feel so lazy at the end of the day :)
  • christinehetz80
    christinehetz80 Posts: 490 Member
    Going to the doc tomorrow, but so far..the suspicion according to his PA is that the MRI shows a torn meniscus in my knee requiring surgery. I'm told I can cycle and yoga for now. NOTHING compares to running though. :( That said. I plan on taking swimming lessons and continue cycling/yoga till I can get back on the road.
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    Post-surgery follow-up today--hopefully, they'll tell me I can climb up on my bike again. Taking a real bath instead of a shower would be nice, too.
  • rchambers2072
    rchambers2072 Posts: 227 Member
    My dog pulled me off the top step of my porch last night. Now I have another sprained ankle. I was on a roll with doing cardio every day at least 30 minutes a day, usually more. Now this. Stupid dog, stupid steps, and stupid ankle!

    I have sprained my ankles so many times in the past that I have very few ligaments and tendons left to tear. I know I have to stay off of it, period, so it can heal, or it will just get worse.

    I saw walking with crutches in the cardio database, so I think I am just going to give that a try. Right here in my house so I can sit if it gets too hard.
  • KiWi2011
    KiWi2011 Posts: 34
    Back and Knee injury. I don't know what I did but my marathon training for November is kaput :( I have an MRI scheduled on the 21st. In the meantime I'm sad. Walking irritates my knee and my back comes and goes. I can deal with back pain but I can't run/exercise with my knee out of wack. Praying I can get it together and start training again in May and push for a half-marathon instead of the full.