I had my iPod on my pants today counting my steps. Just took those pants off and I thought I would be responsible and do a load of laundry. "Darks look like they are getting to full, how 'bout i just throw in these clothes I wore today?" thinks self. I start up the load, hop on here to read some blogs, and then I wonder how far I went today, look down to check ye olde iPod.....NOOOOOOO! I hate you washer!!!!! I hate you Kelyn's brain for not thinking!!! I have lots of sad going through me right now. : ( It is in rice right now, but it was submersed. We shall see what becomes of my sweet pink shuffle. Boo!


  • Warmbloodwear
    Warmbloodwear Posts: 387 Member
    OMG! I hate that when that happens! I have done it with a phone:grumble:
  • Kelynallen
    Me too! You think I would learn. I felt so responsible trying to catch up on chores I have fallen behind on, to have this happen. Makes me wish I could go back ten minutes ago and change this fate. The lamest part is it was my husband's Christmas present to me, and it has been used near to daily since. Dadgummit!
  • Warmbloodwear
    Warmbloodwear Posts: 387 Member
    That is even worse my husband would get so mad at me! See this is why I never get you anything he would say :laugh:
    I hope your handles it better :wink:
  • Kelynallen
    Well, he probably won't be running off to buy me a new one today! Haha. He is in school right now, and I am a stay at home mom so money is tight And iPods every time I am stupid are not in the budget. My walks are going to be a lot less enjoyable.
  • fitby38
    fitby38 Posts: 307 Member
    take battery out ... buy a bag of white rice ... empty rice in 2 gallon freezer bag ... put ipod in bag of rice and make sure ipod is submerged in the rice ... close bag ... and keep in dry area for 4-7 days.
  • Kelynallen
    Thanks Fitby. I did it, so I hope that it will come back to life. Fine, I admit it, I may have shed a tear...or two : )