Looking for more Insanity Buddies

Hey there,

I'm in the UK and just did day 3 of Insanity this morning.

I've added a few people also doing insanity and am finding it quite motivating.

If you're also doing Insanity then maybe you'd fancy adding me and we can all encourage each other.
I don't mind if you don't feel like commenting on things, just seeing other people calorie burns is good enough for me.


  • coffeye
    coffeye Posts: 20
    Hi their i am in Ireland and just completed day 2 it would be great seeing how you get on with insanity as i found some of the moves really tough this morning and could'nt do some of them are you finding this 2 :tongue: ?

    Anyway hope we can all complete the 60 days in one piece:wink:
  • KNarrainen
    KNarrainen Posts: 135 Member
  • SARgirl
    SARgirl Posts: 572 Member
    I also just started Insanity (day 3 today) and my legs are sore! Feel free to add me, there are several of my MFP friends who are doing it! The more the merrier!
  • MrsMrtz
    MrsMrtz Posts: 73
    Im also doing Insanity..... how do I add you?
  • arkohl09
    arkohl09 Posts: 4
    I just did day 17 of Insanity this morning, I love it! And I feel great :)