Exercise and Depression

Okay, campers, it's time for true confessions. My mom is bipolar, and depression seems to run in my family. The last few weeks, I've really been battling depression myself and just FORCING myself to get up and work out. Weights and any kind of jumping or biking seem to help my mood. So my question is for anybody else who has this issue, how do you deal with it? How long does it generally take to pass? I feel like I'm over this most recent hump, but it tends to rear its ugly head every now and again, and I'd like to have some strategies for getting over it as quickly as possible. :grumble:


  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I could have written that same thing except my dad and sister are bipolar. They manage well with medicine. Exercise is my way of dealing with depression. It's worse in the winter but thank the Lord this winter hasn't been too bad...lots of sunshine here this year. When I say exercise I mean heart pumping, out of breath, can't go a minute longer. How long it takes just depends...if something is going on in my personal life then it last a little longer. My best strategy is exercise. My next best is just taking a day to myself to do something I love...for me it's shopping or just window shopping by myself. The main thing is DON'T STOP MOVING. If it gets to the point that you can't get out of bed, you don't want to be around anyone, then you need to go see a doctor.
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    I can tell you what helps me and that's talking about what bugs me. I highly recommend having either a therapist (not psychiatrist, just a counselor) or a best friend that you can talk to regularly about what's going on in your life. I also think keeping a journal, particularly during the rough times is helpful. The rest of the time, keep on moving. Keep motivating music around to get you going if you have a tough time getting up to move. Change up the routine now and again. If being outside cheers you up, then plan a day of hiking at a state park or something.

  • Erinslove
    Erinslove Posts: 139
    I take an anti depressant, & anti anxiety med. I have to. Exercise also helps a lot. Good luck!
  • Faintgreeneyes
    Faintgreeneyes Posts: 730 Member
    Depression effects everyone differently! I know that I sometimes get depressed, went through a bout of depression and have anxiety issues. What helps me keep it in check is exercising and doing things for me that make me happy.

    I also went and saw a therapist for awhile that helped me figure out what my triggers are, and ways to cope with my anxiety when it creeps up.

    I am not a DR or a licensed therapist- my suggestion to you, if Bi-polar runs in your family, is to sit down and talk with a therapist/ your Dr., or a psychiatrist (they can prescribe meds if you need them) and look at some options to help keep your depression manageable. Each person is different, and it would be better to get a handle on it now when its not bad then to wait and see if it will get worse before you do anything.

    Good luck to you :)
  • J_Lopez
    J_Lopez Posts: 23
    Walking and prayer.
  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
    Personally, I find that exercising outside helps the most. The Vitamin D from the sunshine does me wonders. Nothing like the fresh air too. No one for sure can tell you how long you will feel a certain way. Hang in there, and I agree that therapists can be essential to overcoming tough times.
  • treekins
    treekins Posts: 73 Member
    My family, too. :) My Dad and brother are bipolar, and anxiety, depression, OCD, ADD...that all runs rampant on both sides of the family!
    For me, honestly? Yoga. Seriously changed my life. I do it 6 days a week and try to incorporate meditation and the spiritual side too.
    And yep, if all else fails, there's meds.
  • abitzan
    abitzan Posts: 85 Member
    Vitamin B12, Excersise and give accupuncture a try. You are doing the right thing right now and I am dealing with the same thing. I reluctantly had to start anti-depressents though because I couldn't function anymore.
    Good luck!!:smile:
  • Ezwoldo
    Ezwoldo Posts: 369 Member
    I suffer bout's of depression and I can't say that one thing that works for me will be the same with you, I find that I have to have a plan that I have to stick to quite rigidly or I find I wavier and get worse even how hard it is to get my mojo going. Snap to what jcpmoore says about the counselor as it really helped me in my life I went for 4 years and even now from time to time I go backjust to let off some stream more than anything.
  • kellymarie111
    kellymarie111 Posts: 51 Member
    I take medication for Anxiety and I thought I was the only one feeling strange after starting the diet or should I say "life style change" I have been in terrible moods, you cry at the slightest thing, dont want to do anything and I think that's depressing me because I don't no why I feeling so low. I thought it could be my body adjusting to a new way of living and a healthier way at that? I also found in the first 2 weeks I was getting really bad headaches and I pin pointed that to-I was a heavily coke drinker and I cut that out, so I thought it couldve been a sugar withdrawal. I have no answers to why depression hits when dieting but your not alone. I hope someone has some answers :-) thanks for posting a great topic x
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    St. Johns Wort and Dhea - are my best friends!! They are all natural herbs that help me conquer depression. However, like posts stated above, depression can affect people differently so what works for one may not work for another! I have recently passed the threshold of "make or break a habit" - so I actually need exercise! I don't feel it to be a necessary evil...it truly helps my mood!! If I feel a little cranky - I take an extra St. Johns Wort and go for a walk/run!! After a couple miles I feel SO much better. Also, find your happy place. For me its the water or beach. Just going out to the beach and stretching/yoga/meditaion, really helps my mood.
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    I don't take meds. I have gone up and down with depression most of my life. Exercise helps me a lot. Having people to talk to is also important. I am also a musician and use music as an outlet to deal with the demons.
  • kellymarie111
    kellymarie111 Posts: 51 Member
    I take medication for Anxiety and I thought I was the only one feeling strange after starting the diet or should I say "life style change" I have been in terrible moods, you cry at the slightest thing, dont want to do anything and I think that's depressing me because I don't no why I feeling so low. I thought it could be my body adjusting to a new way of living and a healthier way at that? I also found in the first 2 weeks I was getting really bad headaches and I pin pointed that to-I was a heavily coke drinker and I cut that out, so I thought it couldve been a sugar withdrawal. I have no answers to why depression hits when dieting but your not alone. I hope someone has some answers :-) thanks for posting a great topic x

    I also got told today that "magnisum" is a great sorce or relaxant. And helps woth anxiety etc. so if your food has it in it that's fresh or you can take a tablet daily to help it. I was speaking to a pharmacist about them. Hope that helps :-)
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    I've had bouts of being "down in the dumps" and slightly more serious case of ti where I became an insomniac too.. sometimes you just have to go and do it and it really does help your mood lift a bit. All I can say is find someone supportive who'll kick your grumpy *kitten* down there if needs be (in a loving way!) :)
  • NoPortionControl
    Definitely speak to a doctor...as much as you'd like to think you're over the hump or can handle these feelings on your own, you can't. I thought the same thing a couple of years ago. I went to the doctor where I was prescribed medicine for depression and general anxiety which really helped. Also, make sure you eat...I know when I was depressed and anxious I was barely eating. Also, perhaps yoga would be a good choice for you.
  • wildhehr2
    wildhehr2 Posts: 122 Member
    My mom and all 3 of my sisters are on depression and/or anxiety meds. I have mild depression, which I control through exercise. I find I need to do 30 minutes a day, and then I do more if there is a major stressor going on...but the 30 minutes is my maintenance dose. I also find that eating an ounce of nuts daily helps, but I don't know why. And journaling (I'm not really a talker). Best of luck to you!
  • I struggle with depression a lot and on the days that I fight through it and exercise, I definitely feel better than on the days I convince myself to sit around and mope. I think the way I eat on those days improves it as well. When I eat a lot of junk food, I tend to get worse, but if I eat a lot of fresh fruit and veg, I'm guessing the vitamin content helps me feel better.
  • Leesseebee
    Leesseebee Posts: 216
    I have dealt with depression personally, but have not dealt with bipolar nor do I have all the answers, but I will give you something that has worked for me: therapy. That is really important because, in my understanding, heredity does play a role in psychiatric issues. As for exercising through the depression-well, I use exercise as my anti depressant-literally-I replaced them with it. I was conscientious about medicating and I am now medicating my body with naturally-derived endorphins. I do not recommend this for any one other than myself, but I do know exercise is very helpful for moods (so are anti depressants depending on individual realities).
    If the issue is not feeling like working out, that is ok-your body can be telling you to take a break, but if it is a matter of feeling too depressed to get out of bed, please seek professional help-I say this with all the care and compassion in the world-you are not alone and a therapist will help you cope better than any online forum ever can.
    Best of luck.
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    This is a great thread!

    I have come to realize that exercise is my medicine for depression. I always feel so much better. I am a social person, so spending time with friends helps too, and FOR ME prayer is most important.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I've been dealing with the same thing. I am having a very hard time dealing with stress and anxiety, the anxiety being at it's worst in my life. I think from the stess I am dealing with. I wake up feeling fine every morning but by the time I get home from work, my motivation is gone, I've lost control of my stress level and all I end up doing is sitting down and binge eating.

    Exercise makes me feel so much better and I was fortunate to have a friend come by last night and get me off my crying butt for a walk. Do you have someone you can make exercise plans with to hold you accountable? If you can get to it, you will feel so much better. Best of luck!