Trying MFP again...hopefully for good!

myohana4 Posts: 205 Member
Hello! I tried MFP about a year ago and lost a few pounds. I have been debating about trying MFP again or doing WW. I thought I would try MFP again mostly because it is free. :)

I really need and want to make a positive change. I hate when I see myself in pictures or try on clothes at the store. Before kids, I weighed 120. Now I am at 164. It shocks me to say that. I am really looking for people who are also in need of support and we can hold each other accountable for our weight loss.

Today is the start of something wonderful!


  • jessmarkat
    Hi I joined for the 1st time yesterday and am also trying to get down to what I was pre kids! Yes I also hate clothes and photo's, would love to join you for mutual support.
    WE CAN DO THIS! :smile:
  • jenniferlynn2477
    jenniferlynn2477 Posts: 39 Member
    I tried WW years ago and found that it was harder to keep up with it and go to meetings. That being said they didn't have near the stuff they do now at the stores that you can purchase. But I love MFP, and I've lost 22 pounds since the beginning of the year doing this. I think it is a great tool to be able to get on your phone or on the website and track what you eat and how you exercise. My sister is about your size now and she told me the other day that I exercise, but this past week I gained 2 pounds. I told her it was because she wasn't watching what she ate. She leads a very hectic lifestyle and her family eats out a couple times a week and I would be willing to bet that she doesn't think about what is in front of her. I think using this tool makes us think about what we eat. I know I do and I'm sure you'll do great starting this up again!
  • myohana4
    myohana4 Posts: 205 Member
    YES WE CAN!!! :)
  • wonderwoman_32
    I joined as all the exercise meetings near me weren't at the right times to attend. I lost a lot of weight for my sister's wedding but it has slowly all come back on again. I am dissapointed in myself after all the hard work and effort but I know that if I did it once I can do it again. My life is really sociable so i want to loose weight without loosing my social life and still enjoy my life.

    I find MFP really helpful, last night i went out to dinner tried to choose a healthy option and when i logged it MFP had the exact calories for the dish i have choosen from the resturant.

    Good luck with your weight loss... sounds like you mean business :)
  • myohana4
    myohana4 Posts: 205 Member
    Thanks for your replies! It is so helpful being part of a community that totally understands what you are going through. :)