still not happening



  • fergie2812
    fergie2812 Posts: 162
    thank you thank you thank you
    I knonw how bad my diet has been but trust me when I say it is a vase improvment whcihc is why I acm here in the first place
    Its funny I can encourage my children to make healthy choices then never get round to making them myself!
    I am going to ditch takeaways first then then see how I get on from there. I might even risk a salad tomorrow!!!!

    I REALLY appreciate your advice
  • lisahoyle
    lisahoyle Posts: 11
    Think I'm in a similar place to you - lost 10lbs and really chuffed that clothes fit and people have commented on looking better. Also when you have a birthday you work towards that date - and that can be a powerful motivator. You may need to find another point in time to re-envision goals - a holiday perhaps?

    You are doing the right thing looking for support and it takes a bit of courage so thanks for showing me the way with this..I could go on but I'd be talking more about me than you so all I'll say is good luck
  • chicpeach
    chicpeach Posts: 302 Member
    I would recommend changing your food settings so you see how much sodium you're actually getting. Sodium causes your body to retain water and that makes weight loss really slow. Make sure your sodium stays below 2500 and the lower the better. Drink plenty of water and when you have high sodium days drink lots of extra water to flush it out.

    Prepackaged, preprocessed and restaurant food are all very high in sodium and will cause you to bloat and slow down your weight loss, so be mindful of this. You can check content of food in the database before adding to diary, so when I eat out, I check the restaurant's online menu and then check the food database and make a more educated decision about what to eat before I even leave the house.

    Bonus tip: Appleby's - none of the diet selections are under the recommended daily allowance of sodium. Avoid them altogether.