


  • dwightdegroff
    dwightdegroff Posts: 97 Member
    I'm starting week 4 of Insanity tomorrow. I've definitely noticed results both in weight lost, but more importantly in my overall fitness level. I agree 100% with a previous poster that suggested planning a set time every day to do the workout. At 6 days a week you're going to need to schedule that time. When I first start I was doing it at night (after the kids went to bed) and found myself so amped up after the workout that I had trouble sleeping. Doing Insanity before work is a great jump-start to the day... I find myself looking forward to it.

    The first 3 days really taxed my heart and lungs and I wasn't used to having to watch my heart rate. It is *very* important if you aren't used to interval training that you know how to check your heart rate and listen to your body or you could be in bad shape. I have a heart rate monitor coming this week. ;)

    A word of caution: my wife is(was) doing it as well, but has aggravated an old knee injury and has been forced to put Insanity on hold while she heals up. If you have knee problems you likely will be not be able to do insanity: lots of jumping, squats, lunges, etc.
  • twinmama1987
    twinmama1987 Posts: 566 Member
    Loved it! I did it for 5 mos! :D
  • markpmc
    markpmc Posts: 240 Member
    I did 3 rounds last year. It's hard. I dropped nearly 50lbs. There is alot of jumping, but I just did squats instead.
    It is hard on the knees, you'll need good shoes. Not running shoes. Cross training shoes.

    It takes about 2 weeks before you begin to actually believe that you can do it.
  • jrodx2
    jrodx2 Posts: 203 Member
    It's a challenge for sure but one of the best ones I've had! I finished up in February and then moved right on to the Insanity/P90X hybrid because I just couldn't let it go. As for weight loss, I lost 17 lbs on it but most of the results where in my inches and the way my clothing fits now. I would highly recommend it to anyone. No, it's not easy but you do the best you can and you WILL get better and be amazed by the end with what you can do. Good luck!
  • ginamc04
    ginamc04 Posts: 113 Member
    I am in my last week of Insanity for my first round. I'm starting another round in 2 weeks & will be doing a Challenge Group for motivation on Facebook. If anyone is interested, email me!

    I highly recommend following the eating plan as closely as possible & using the Recovery Formula after each workout. On the days that I don't use it, I feel sore the next day, but when I use it, I don't.

    The workout is HARD, but you will feel such a great accomplishment after each one!

    Here is my Facebook page:
  • csparon
    csparon Posts: 200 Member
    Insanity isn't something you can start. I suggest that anyone interested do complete another program (warm up) and then start insanity. I completed ChaLEAN Extreme. It got me ready for Insanity.

    I agree. I did Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred before Insanity, 30DS tore up my back muscles, and they looked awesome before Insanity, but after a few rounds if Insanity they were a little tender, they didn't ache like 30DS, I remember thinking, "OMG, if I didn't do 30DS I would be crippled by now" lol
  • stacyll
    stacyll Posts: 43 Member
    my calves killed me doing insanity but it is good cardio. i haven't ever finished it. 6 days was a lot for me since i'm a fitness instructor and teach other classes. if i decide to try it again i'm going to do it at a modified pace for me. there are good moves you learn to incorporate into your normal workout too so that's good. a friend of mine did asylum which is fewer days and she said she really noticed results.
  • kcmomof2
    kcmomof2 Posts: 457 Member
    I completed Insanity last spring. It is difficult when you first start. As said by the previous poster, work at your own pace and don't worry about staying with the instructor. Do what you can and work to improve your own moves/times/etc.

    It's a lot of circuit/interval type training. No weights or strength training. Month one is shorter but still very intense. Month two the length of workouts increase.

    Ditto all of this pretty much.

    I completed 4 straight rounds of Insanity (lost 50-60 lbs. and 5 dress sizes) before I moved on to Asylum and running. LOVE it and still do the Month 2 workouts on my crosstraining days.

    Good luck!