What i saw last night...........

Last night i got a call from my bf asking me to meet him in downtown Ashville near subway, i agreed and we met around 8:30, we went to the bowling alley, ate hotdogs and danced our a**'s off, then when we left he said he would drop me off at home. so he did and i fell asleep on the couch, but about 20 mins l8tr i got a txt from some chic on his phone, asking me if i cared if they (made love) i was pissed and worried at the same time. so i drove to his house and nocked on the door..........but some spanish girl came to the door she asked me if my name was "love" and wanted to know if she could sculpture a piece of art that looked like me. i laughed and the i was greeted by my bf who says" hey my love and happy birthday!"
OMG i thought he was cheating on me but all this time he was being romantic!!

(BTW, I got the from the internet, no im not this paranoid!)
But this is soo cute if you have any "What i saw last night..........." stories post them on this page!! thank you:heart:
