Girl question?

pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
I have done some reading on the subject but always find better information from women who have experience with situations so, my question is: For those who have or are going through 'the change', what was the effect on your energy level and weight and what did/do you find most helpful?



  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    I have done some reading on the subject but always find better information from women who have experience with situations so, my question is: For those who have or are going through 'the change', what was the effect on your energy level and weight and what did/do you find most helpful?

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Well I didnt so much go through the change, as is hit me up side the head:laugh:

    My biggest problem was energy. When I realized exercise helped, I refused all HRT treatments.

    I find it very hard to lose weight, but I did over a 6 month period lose 30 pounds.

    I hope it goes as well for you as it did for me!

  • mnichol
    mnichol Posts: 642's been about 2+ years going for me. lots of the warms!! :grumble: Last summer was hard for me, tired, no energy, some weight gain, etc. However, forunately this summer is much, much better. Feeling healthy, strong, only very minimal flashes. I figure my body must be adjusting. but everyone is different. bty, no HRT for me.

    take care! :flowerforyou:
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    I have done some reading on the subject but always find better information from women who have experience with situations so, my question is: For those who have or are going through 'the change', what was the effect on your energy level and weight and what did/do you find most helpful?


    Energy level went to hell, weight gain, thats why I am here, get some hormone therapy for about a year, The smallest dose of Estrodiol and Progesterone really helped me and exercise help a lot too.
    The worst part was the emotions going haywire, the hormones really helped there too. Call them power surges, not hot flashes, and take command!
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    I do not want to do the HRT either. I have never even taken BC because I just don't want to mess with my body's natural process. My energy is so up and down. I am 'starting' about every two to three weeks so I am making sure the iron intake is up a bit. I had a small time when I was 'flashing' but haven't had too much of that. Mostly night sweats. I just seem to be moody and lower energy level. I went hiking yesterday and I could barely manage to cook dinner last night. It absolutely kicked my rear. I am getting a decent amount of exercise, eating fairly well, although I do think I am going to increase the carb intake a bit. I feel like a teen again with the darn pimples! What is with that!

    Are you still going through it? Are you still having your monthly or when it was over did you feel better?
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Power surges! I LOVE that!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    a friend took an over the counter estrogen supp from a high end health food store. she said it helped her with the mood swings and hot flashes. the worst for her was the night sweats.....yuck.

    So much fun! We get to have the 8 pound babies, then suffer thru NOT having them any more!!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    I was told that Black Kohosh (sp) supplements help too.

    It doesn't seem fair does it! lol I am actually really looking forward to the end...what a relief that will be. How old were you when you started going through it and how old when it stopped effecting you? Everyone keeps telling me I can't be starting this because I am only 45 ...ONLY! lol That just doesn't seem right either....I think I am right at the age where it is more than possible.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Well I hate to tell you peeps...........but I was going thru it at 35!! They didnt diagnos it until I stopped getting my :heart: .

    Yep. Had my 40th bday in may, dropped my oldest kid off at Tulane uni in august, sept 11 hit and I never saw another period.

    I really had the best mentalpause in all the world. I went to the doc afraid I was preggers, he did and FSH level and told me I was post-menepausal. mean pre, right???

    Nope you done!!

    Cried at being old for a few months, then realized I was FREE!!:laugh:

  • mnichol
    mnichol Posts: 642
    I don't have periods anymore. The first couple of years transitioning from pre to post was really tough, lots of physcial problems. many have resolved now though.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I had a complete hysterectomy 1 1/2 years ago and started menopause immediately. I was put on Evista to help with osteoperosis and the risk of breast cancer ( the reason I had the hysterectomy in the first place) I felt crappy on the Evista with lots of aches and pains and when I went off it I felt much better. I don't know if my low energy was menopause or Evista. All I can tell you is I feel great now and my energy level is good....but that could come from losing a lot of weight too

    I still get hot flashes but that is generally when I first wake up in the morning
  • my girlfriend calls them private!
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Well I have had some possible symptoms of this for about 5 years but since everything else was totally regular...I just passed it off because it didn't seem to be that big of deal. But this part is a bummer....I need to go buy stock in Kotex or something because I am making them rich! lol

    Thanks for all the info. It helps to hear what has happened to others to know if I am going through this 'normal' or not.
  • elliott062907
    elliott062907 Posts: 1,508 Member
    I feel for ya. I am 37, I had a partial hyst last year due to Endometriosis with cancer cells and I got to keep one ovary that is still producing estrogen....

    But I get hot for no reason, red faced, lack of appetite and no energy at times.

    I get hotter at night and hubby is going to install a fan in the ceiling this month.
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Private summer! That is another great one! lol

    Funny story about a 'private summer' moment. I was actually on a date and since I don't get those that often I didn't stop to think what the problem might be. So we are standing there waiting to be seated at a table, and one hit and I say "Oh my gosh it is so hot in here" I was virtually breaking out in a sweat! He looked at me and said 'I was just thinking it is a little chilly in here" lol Then it dawned on me that I had just shared my power surge with my date. Can you say....embarassed! lol
  • angelinaz
    angelinaz Posts: 262
    My sister takes VITEX elixir for women, found at wf. I think she said it is ten dollars. She is 53 and just started. She says as long as she takes it a few times a day, no hot flashes. It is a combination of herbs that she dilutes in a little water. She has also upped her exercise. I haven't experienced this yet but I am taking notes on everything. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    I do not want to do the HRT either. I have never even taken BC because I just don't want to mess with my body's natural process. My energy is so up and down. I am 'starting' about every two to three weeks so I am making sure the iron intake is up a bit. I had a small time when I was 'flashing' but haven't had too much of that. Mostly night sweats. I just seem to be moody and lower energy level. I went hiking yesterday and I could barely manage to cook dinner last night. It absolutely kicked my rear. I am getting a decent amount of exercise, eating fairly well, although I do think I am going to increase the carb intake a bit. I feel like a teen again with the darn pimples! What is with that!

    Are you still going through it? Are you still having your monthly or when it was over did you feel better?
    It took about two years, done now, no more hormones for a year. I took a very minimal dose, just to balance the swings in hormone levels, the Kotex stock thing went away quickly with the Hormone therapy. I feel much better and no more power surges! I just feel powerful!

    One of the worst things for me was the short term memory thing, I called them menopausal moments. Finding myself angry over the stupidest things like how my husband chewed his food or the fact that I had to listen to him breathe when I could not sleep! Go figure, he had to breathe!
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Well I have had some possible symptoms of this for about 5 years but since everything else was totally regular...I just passed it off because it didn't seem to be that big of deal. But this part is a bummer....I need to go buy stock in Kotex or something because I am making them rich! lol

    Thanks for all the info. It helps to hear what has happened to others to know if I am going through this 'normal' or not.

    I had a lot of problems before my hysterectomy. I had my period for 6 weeks straight and it was very heavy. They can do a few things to help. There is a progesterone IUD called Mirena that is a Godsend or it is really bad, they can cauterize the lining of the uterus ( didn't help me) . I was told that beacuse I had my tubes tied, it was worse.

    If you are so tired, have your iron checked, you could be anemic. That happened to me
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