Lost 4 pounds in 5 days?

I weighed myself today for the first time since Saturday and seen that I am down from 179 to 177. I looked back then at my progress and realized that just 5 days ago I was 181. I weighed myself multiple times on 2 different scales and both said the same thing, 177. I've been eating normal meals everyday and I have been exercising like usual, so I know I'm not under eating or changing anything. Has anyone else lost a few pounds in such a short amount of time? I just feel like it's not normal to loose that much that fast.


  • watboy
    watboy Posts: 380 Member
    Yes one week I lost 7 lbs in 6 days. It happens and I was eating exactly how i eat now. Sometimes it happens.
    I weighed myself today for the first time since Saturday and seen that I am down from 179 to 177. I looked back then at my progress and realized that just 5 days ago I was 181. I weighed myself multiple times on 2 different scales and both said the same thing, 177. I've been eating normal meals everyday and I have been exercising like usual, so I know I'm not under eating or changing anything. Has anyone else lost a few pounds in such a short amount of time? I just feel like it's not normal to loose that much that fast.
  • msliu7911
    msliu7911 Posts: 639 Member
    Same thing happened to me.. 5 lbs in a week. And I wasn't depriving myself or anything. I just changed up my nutrient allocation (upped protein and lowered carbs a little), and all of a sudden I was losing (after not losing for months).

    Its strange but its a great feeling either way! So run with it and just keep up the good habits. :)