Working on it!

O.K. so about a month and a half ago, reality and some point blank comments slapped me in the face. I had gained more weight than I had ever planned on. I knew I was packing on the pounds but didn't realize how much. Most of my life I had been able to eat whatever I wanted and whenever, but that caught up with me. I tipped the scale at 236 pounds and was more than disgusted with myself. After having it pointed out to me just how far I had gone, I decided to make a change. I totaled up the calories I would consume on a normal day and it was between 3500-4000. WAY to much considering I have a desk job and limited excercise. I started logging what I ate, everytime I ate and cut my coloric intake back to an average of 1500 per day. In the last month I have lost 18 pounds and am now starting to incorporate some strength training into my routine. For me, seeing was believing. If I hadn't written down what I was eating, I would have thought that I was eating just fine,(except for what the scale said). The food tracker on this website is an added bonus because it not only shows the colories I have consumed, but it also shows other important information like protein, carbs, fat and sodium. Any Ideas that have helped others would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your help and good luck to all that are on their own journey.