Question for the girls...



  • libby328
    libby328 Posts: 287 Member
    Every month! I can't tell cause my gut gets all puffy and my pants are tough to clasp lol every month I say damn
  • faythe
    faythe Posts: 245
    Drink lots of water and try to fight off cravings as much as possible during that week but yep, it's totally normal to gain a few pounds then and lose it after.
  • azbutterfly1324
    azbutterfly1324 Posts: 74 Member
    Are you tracking and staying under your calorie goal? A nutritionist I used to work with always said that if you are tracking and staying near your calorie goal, it's almost impossible for you to actually gain weight. It takes 3500 additional calories to actually gain a pound. Scale fluctuations are usually water. I find I always weigh more after a weight workout.....a trainer said it's because when you break down your muscles doing weight training, they absorb/hold more water while they are 'healing'.

    Lots of reasons why the scale might say more. Wait a few days and try again :)
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    yeah, as everyone has mentioned it does fluctuate. Mine went up one pound, but I hold onto water like its no ones business! So it's also important to watch your sodium intake
  • cinole1706
    I usually gain 3-5 lbs during my TOM. Most of it is water weight, but atleast a half pound to a pound is actual weight gain since I tend to go off track during those few days :/