Anti-Depressants and Weight loss



  • TamImbrogno
    TamImbrogno Posts: 72 Member
    Ive been on antidepressants for 10yrs. Only one I can loose weight on is viibryd! Give it a try
  • TNTwedell
    TNTwedell Posts: 277 Member
    Same story here - this time last year, my doctor put me on Prozac - within 3 months I realized I had gained 15lbs. NOT NORMAL!
    Flip side - I felt fabulous. So I just thought the weightgain was "happy weight" - I started "dieting" and working out and STILL GAINED. went up to 20lbs.
    Complained to my doctor, so he swithced me to Celexa - I stopped gaining weight - but didnt lose any. And honestly, I was working out and dieting so much that if I wasnt on any SSRI's I would have probably lost the full 20.
    Complained AGAIN to my doctor - showed him my food journals/exercise journals/etc and he has now given me a cocktail.
    150mg of Wellbutrin and 1/2 my dose of Celexa.
    thinking the Wellbutrin will give me the bump my metabolism *and libido* need while the Celexa can still keep my calm.

    (the Wellbutrin is more for depression then anxiety and since I dont have depression; I have to tread lightly with how its going to make me feel - if you're an "anxious" person by nature - then having an "upper" isnt going to help.

    taking my new cocktail for about 1 month now - havent noticed much of a difference, honestly - so, the Celexa really must be pretty powerful stuff.
  • echoica
    echoica Posts: 339 Member
  • LauraSmyth28
    LauraSmyth28 Posts: 399 Member
    After reading this thread I am DEFINITELY going to talk to my doctor about changing from lexapro.

    I've been on it twice before, but this stint has been my longest so far, 2 years. I can lose weight on it no problem, but not as fast, and the lack of libido is a killer.