English newbie looking for a support network

I'm embarking on my first ever serious attempt at weight loss and hoping to build a network of friends here to share motivation and support. I'm currently 94kg (6ft tall) and think that I'd like to be around 75kg (though it's hard to know what my 'ideal' weight is as I've been steadily gaining for a long time!)


  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    Hi - I'm the same height and start weight, and in the UK too. Will add you.
  • Jade17694
    Jade17694 Posts: 584 Member
    I'm in the UK too
  • GoingForBroke
    Thanks for replying! Sally, do you have the same problem (bring a tall lady) in not knowing what your ideal weight and dress size should be? I'm struggling to set a 'goal' but as I'm getting married in 8 weeks am desperately trying to lose as much as I can!
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    Yeah I think it is diificult. I used to be superslim but I've changed with age and can no longer eat what I want and remain the same. Having a large frame helps appearances in that the weight's spread a bit further - which menas for me that I can gain or lose a stone without it being noticeable.

    My main reason for doing this is health, so for the moment I'm concentrating in getting my BMI down to the middle of the healthy range.

    Dress size and looks have of course a lot to do with weight but also an awful lot to do with exercise... for me this means the gym as well as the limited exercise I get now walking the dog.

    Apart from the BMI target I'm also aiming for dress size 14 (which is where I was two years ago). That's not superslim, but it's a lot better. I think I'll see how I feel about that when I get there. I'm a good bit older than you so my skin won't adapt as well to weight loss, and also I don't think scrawny middle aged lady is a good look! But if I want to drop another dress size and still motivated, then I'll go for it.

    Must be more of a pressing issue for you with a wedding coming up?
  • GoingForBroke
    I would love to be a size 14 - it's been a while! I was a superslim teenager and in my early 20s but always felt a bit gangly so happier to carry a bit of weight (so long as it's toned!)

    I'm trying not to put too much pressure on myself for the wedding - I have a dress that fits me nicely now. I would really like to tone up my arms and shoulders a bit though, and if I can lose a bit of my post-baby tum, that would be fab too! I've been to Zumba tonight so have hopefully made a start.

    I've already noticed that the weight's distributing differently and my skin (particularly my, ahem, chest!) isn't bouncing back quite as quickly now I'm in my 30s so feels like a good time to get my eating and exercise habits under control. I think I have the potential to be a scrawny middle aged lady too and definitely don't want that!