bad weekend!

mszSHOGAN Posts: 2,278 Member
This has been my first downfall in the past 5 weeks with MFP. I'm actually surprised it didn't happen sooner knowing me! Yesterday I went to a picnic and did pretty good with my portions compared to how I used to be. But late last night I was overcome with hunger, pigged out and ended up going over on my calories by 1,000. Today my husband cooked me breakfast for mothers day so I already started the day off pretty high on my calories. Since breakfast I have been overcome completely with hunger again and have been eating everything in sight. How can I stop? Anyone else been going through this? :angry:


  • mszSHOGAN
    mszSHOGAN Posts: 2,278 Member
    This has been my first downfall in the past 5 weeks with MFP. I'm actually surprised it didn't happen sooner knowing me! Yesterday I went to a picnic and did pretty good with my portions compared to how I used to be. But late last night I was overcome with hunger, pigged out and ended up going over on my calories by 1,000. Today my husband cooked me breakfast for mothers day so I already started the day off pretty high on my calories. Since breakfast I have been overcome completely with hunger again and have been eating everything in sight. How can I stop? Anyone else been going through this? :angry:
    JDHINAZ Posts: 641 Member
    I've been there. Protein always helps me....and sometimes something with some healthy fats, like nuts.....just make sure you measure it all out and then wait 20 minutes for it all to settle in. Drink plenty of water...don't wait until your thirsty. I've also found out that sweet things make me crave savory or salty things, so I have to stay away from sweets.

    Just don't let this get you down!! One weekend out of 5 isn't going to undo all the good you've done. And if all else on MFP like the wind! It's hard to eat with both hands on the keyboard!

    Have a great day!!