anyone else gluten free? (for medical reasons!)

I'm not talking about the sudden influx of people who are choosing to live a gluten free lifestyle because they think it has some health benefits--it's my understanding that gluten-free only benefits your health if you actually have a medical issue with gluten.

Anyway, at my doctor's suggestion, about 2 weeks ago I got rid of gluten, wheat and most sugar from my diet, and started to feel SO much better. What made me go to the doctor was acne, unexplained skin rashes, stomach pain, severe fatigue, and severe mood swings; my doctor's suggestion was to eliminate these products for two weeks to see how I felt. Haven't had any new breakouts, I my skin looks GREAT and I've had soooo much more energy...mood has also been a lot more stable with less anxiety.

This morning I noticed I had NO energy, and thought back to what I ate yesterday...

Well, yesterday, I had a candy bar...I was within my calories/fat for the day, but just had the craving for this 100 calorie candy bar. I also have a GNU bar for breakfast that for some reason, I thought was gluten free, BUT, was not.

Today, for lunch at the salad bar, there was a quinoa salad and I spooned some onto my spinach salad. It was only after I inspected it, went back to look at the item, that I realized it was COUS COUS. It had been mislabeled.

My stomach hurts, I have heartburn, a headache...I feel like CRAP.

The doctor doesn't think it's celiac, but an intolerance.

:-( I have so much to get used to.

Just looking for support and possibly other friends. It's embarrassing...I am supposed to get together with an old friend later who likes to bake and asked me what she should bake...I had to tell her thanks but no thanks. I just felt so embarassed...


  • soulphonicfire
    soulphonicfire Posts: 1 Member
    Hello. I am doing my best to cut gluten from my diet. I haven't been to see a doctor or anything like that but there is a good history of this in my family.. cousins are horribly allergic. i consider myself just intolerant. i usually feel just awesome when i can cut everything out.
  • babyblooeyes
    babyblooeyes Posts: 67 Member
    I have been gluten free for nearly 2 months now. I am at the point now that I know there must have been some hidden wheat or gluten in an item I ate because I end up with horrible fatigue and an increase in GI issues and joint pain. Otherwise, it has been a wonderful change for me. Even my thinking isn't foggy anymore. The bloating I had in my stomach decreased after week 1. And talk about gas. Not so much an issue anymore.

    While I haven't been tested ( tests aren't accurate unless you are severely affected for many years) for this my allergist recommended that I go off of it and see what happens. Best decision I could have ever made. My face too is the clearest it has ever been. I still have joint pain and swelling secondary to RA but there is a difference here too.

    After a while it gets easier to see what you can and cannot eat. Mostly I stay with whole foods (meats, fish and fresh vegetables) and avoid most grains unless it is gluten free bread. Chocolate has hidden gluten so I usually go to Trader Joes or other whole food stores and ask them for their gluten free chocolate.
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    I'm sure it probably is a super big deal and change in your life. :( But at least you found out what can make you feel better. :)

    But don't be self consious about it!! My old roommate had celiacs and I used to always invite her to have dinner with me and then I would be like...."oh, ****, never mind, I used xxxx" and would be super embarrassed. But after awhile I totally got used to it and it wasn't a big deal. Alot of people have food allergies anyway nowadays, and celiacs is becoming more common. So don't freak, it's totally nothing to be embarassed about!
  • wwww1199
    wwww1199 Posts: 271 Member
    Last week I did the first week of phase 1 on South Beach. Never felt better in my life. This week I went off track and ate and drank things with wheat. I felt so awful! Brain fog, depression, bloating, gassy and my joints are killing me. Just the way I was feeling before I eliminated it from my diet. Now I've done some reading and eliminated it again and starting to feel like a whole new person.