C25k or Ease into 5k?



  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    I am doing C25K and liking it - up to week 5 - just finished day 2 of week 5 - but freaking out about day 3 where you have to run 20 minutes - so far the longest interval has been 8 minutes - it seems like a massive jump - any tips?
    That one had me worried too! It does seem like a big jump, but it's not as scary as you think! In some ways it was almost easier because without the walking break in between runs, I didn't lose that rhythm, you know? Don't be afraid to go slow, or to slow down during the 20 minutes if you need to.

    You can do it!

    Absolutely ^^this. I always find the first 10 mins running the hardest (ok maybe the last 10 mins of a long run too!) but once your legs and muscles have got into a rhythym, it's actually pretty easy to keep the momentum going.

    Legs and muscles are not the problem. It's the breathing. My lungs can't handle it!
  • Wickedmeowmer
    I am doing C25K and liking it - up to week 5 - just finished day 2 of week 5 - but freaking out about day 3 where you have to run 20 minutes - so far the longest interval has been 8 minutes - it seems like a massive jump - any tips?

    I freaked out too! Just take it really slowly and you'll be fine ;)
  • EllieMo
    EllieMo Posts: 131 Member
    It's not that massive :) You've run 8 mins with a short walk between, right? So now you're just bridging that gap between the runs :) You'll be surprised, I reckon. If need be, drop your speed.

    Ultimately, it should be about doing what feels comfortable - if you really feel like you are struggling after 15 minutes, or less, walk for a bit. These apps are not legally binding, you can deviate if need be!!
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    These apps are not legally binding, you can deviate if need be!!

    LOL...that makes me laugh.

    So, what speeds are people running/jogging at? I can do 5 mph on the shorter stretches but I usually keep it to 4.7 mph. Once I'm doing longer ones I'll probably drop to 4.5 mph. I know I'm VERY slow LOL. But, when I started running 2.5 weeks ago or so, 4 mph was jogging for me and now I find that just more annoying than anything because it really is too slow.
  • eukaele
    eukaele Posts: 3
    Just got through the 20 minute run thanks to all the suggestions - good playlist, visual distractions and mind over matter.
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Yay, well done!
  • lisatheprez
    Am I too old and overweight to start this? I'm 53 & 240 lbs?
  • IzzyBickerstaff
    You are NOT too old or overweight to start this!

    I strongly suggest that you have your doctor check you out first. You could even go to a MedExpress or similar, just to have them listen to your heart, go over any other health issues you may have (Asthma? Diabetes? Low blood sugar? High blood pressure? Etc).

    ***Tell them that you plan to start an exercise program.***. They may want to run blood work. they might suggest that you meet with a trainer--and your insurance might even cover something like that!

    Once you get the ok from your doctor or nurse, I would also suggest that you start slowly. The beginner program starts with a total of about 35 minutes, mostly walking. If you are not exercising at all, you should start with a 10 minute walk. For some people, that's enough to get quite out of breath, especially if you're carrying an extra 100 pounds! Don't let anyone kid you, you will be working hard just to walk!

    You can use the app to suit whatever shape you are in. You can walk for 5 minutes, and rest whenever they tell you to run. Gradually--over a month or even 2 or 3--work up to the point where you can comfortably walk for 35 minutes.

    When you've reached that point, THEN you can start the "Ease Into 5K" program! (That's the easiest one that I know of.)

    Again, though, remember your heart is pumping for an extra 100 pounds. That's like carrying around another adult! SO DON'T PUSH YOURSELF TOO FAST. Do each week's workouts for 2 weeks. Or more. Stop and rest when you need to. Listen to your body, seek medical advice whenever you're not sure.

    If you are a major carb-eater (aren't we all in this culture?), you will want to do the same thing with your diet--GRADUAL changes. Try replacing one plate of pasta with one plate of roasted vegetables, try replacing Mac-and-cheese with a chicken Caesar salad. Replace chips with carrot sticks and hummus.

    If you drink diet drinks--STOP! They're sweetened with aspartame, which may have zero calories, but stimulates your appetite. Really. Drink water with a splash of fruit juice. Or herbal tea. Or plain water. And make sure you carry a water bottle when you exercise, and DRINK from it, so you don't get dehydrated!

    Best of luck to you, and a huge round of applause to you as well. Getting started is the hardest part. But once you start, you'll feel SO much better!!

    GO, lisatheprez!!, woo-HOO!!!!
  • MissMollieK
    MissMollieK Posts: 316 Member
    they work at a somewhat different pace. I prefer ease into 5k. They are both great! Enjoy!
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    I am doing C25K and liking it - up to week 5 - just finished day 2 of week 5 - but freaking out about day 3 where you have to run 20 minutes - so far the longest interval has been 8 minutes - it seems like a massive jump - any tips?

    I did it last week. Just take it slow and focus on steady breathing and you got this! I was terrified. W5d3 was the first mile in my entire life and I managed to run two nonstop. You can so it!

    ***Nevermind. Didn't realize how old this was. Whoops.
  • mwilke
    mwilke Posts: 378 Member
    I am doing C25K and liking it - up to week 5 - just finished day 2 of week 5 - but freaking out about day 3 where you have to run 20 minutes - so far the longest interval has been 8 minutes - it seems like a massive jump - any tips?

    Just did that run yesterday... One foot in front of the other. Positive self talk. It's a mental thing more than physical. I have even completed the program already- but quit running for 6 months. Had to start all over from square one. It's not any easier the second time around. It's still mind over matter! If you don't mind- it doesn't matter :)
  • mwilke
    mwilke Posts: 378 Member
    Am I too old and overweight to start this? I'm 53 & 240 lbs?

    No, you are not too old. Remember to listen to your body though. Follow the plan and take the rest days to avoid injury. In my opinion, you are never too old for anything!
  • nolongerXXL
    nolongerXXL Posts: 222 Member
    I am doing C25K and liking it - up to week 5 - just finished day 2 of week 5 - but freaking out about day 3 where you have to run 20 minutes - so far the longest interval has been 8 minutes - it seems like a massive jump - any tips?
    That one had me worried too! It does seem like a big jump, but it's not as scary as you think! In some ways it was almost easier because without the walking break in between runs, I didn't lose that rhythm, you know? Don't be afraid to go slow, or to slow down during the 20 minutes if you need to.

    You can do it!

    Absolutely ^^this. I always find the first 10 mins running the hardest (ok maybe the last 10 mins of a long run too!) but once your legs and muscles have got into a rhythym, it's actually pretty easy to keep the momentum going.

    Legs and muscles are not the problem. It's the breathing. My lungs can't handle it!

    Slow your pace! :) If you can't breathe/breathing hard during the run parts slow down. :) You are running too fast for your conditioning.
  • SaraBrown12
    SaraBrown12 Posts: 277 Member
    I have completed c25k. They all essentially do the same thing. Don't be afraid to repeat weeks when needed. If you dont master the current week your doing then try to move on you will put yourself off.
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    Yes it's the same thing. During an app update last year the name changed, as did the program itself... but slightly.
  • kaylurzz
    kaylurzz Posts: 121 Member
    C25K is the only thing I've used. It's me second time around using the program. I even moved onto 5k to 10k after finishing it the first time, but I hurt my knee and decided to start over when I was healed.
  • collinmacmillan1
    get running is a fantastic application built off the couch to 5k principle. worked wonders for my girlfriend and i.
  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    I am doing C25K and liking it - up to week 5 - just finished day 2 of week 5 - but freaking out about day 3 where you have to run 20 minutes - so far the longest interval has been 8 minutes - it seems like a massive jump - any tips?

    All it's doing is taking out the short rest. If you can run 8 minutes twice... you can run 20, right? If not, run as long as you can, then walk. And repeat. Try running a little longer the next time. And keep in mind that week 6 goes back down to 5 and 8 minutes. You can do this!