Internet dating stories :)

jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
For those of us who have tried online dating I'm sure we all have some interesting stories to share :)

Last night I got another random "Hey Girl let me F*** you real hard!"... Well instead of just ignoring it when I usually get these kinds of messages, I decided to have a little fun with the poor chap, and respond with " Sure baby, I'm just getting over an outbreak but I can go all night long and will even bust out the pop rocks!"

And he actually responded again with a... "Well you're on Meds for that right? What's your number?"... Are you serious?

I am completely clean btw. Just not interested in hook ups with random strangers... Can't believe he was STILL interested after that.

What are your stories?


  • Princesskitty21

    I met a guy off a forum once and I would not recommend it. About 20 minutes in he started telling me excuses for why his number might be on the sex offender registry.. "it's my name and number, but it's not me I swear!" he got naked in the car to "change clothes" even though we just went to the park. Shared his history of sexual abuse by his father. Then when I said things weren't going to work out, he said "I don't care, I can be your sex toy! Just use me throw me away!" yeahhhh wtf when he finally brought me home I wanted to kiss the ground and thank the stars that I wasn't raped and killed that day.
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member

    I met a guy off a forum once and I would not recommend it. About 20 minutes in he started telling me excuses for why his number might be on the sex offender registry.. "it's my name and number, but it's not me I swear!" he got naked in the car to "change clothes" even though we just went to the park. Shared his history of sexual abuse by his father. Then when I said things weren't going to work out, he said "I don't care, I can be your sex toy! Just use me throw me away!" yeahhhh wtf when he finally brought me home I wanted to kiss the ground and thank the stars that I wasn't raped and killed that day.

    What a creeper! That's one of the reasons I will always meet someone on a first date and not let them pick me up, and won't pick them up... and I will only meet for a quick date on the first date, like coffee, drinks or ice cream, because to quote Tom Hanks in Sleepless in Seattle. "You never want to do dinner on a first date, because half way through dinner you could be really sorry that you agreed to go to dinner... but If you just have drinks and things don't work out, you just say well that was great and go on your way"
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    All mine have always been cool, but I flush 'em out pretty good before meeting. By the time we meet, we kind of know each other. But, drinks are a good idea. Meeting at a nice bar, or Starbucks or something is always a good bet. If they are weird or don't look anything like their picture, you can just leave without any drama.

    I have heard horror stories though from my friends of how people don't use their own pictures or something. I was like, WTF do they think is going to happen when you meet them? But, I've heard some good ones.

    One of my friends was meeting with a guy at a restaurant, and was so bad that she said she had to go to the bathroom, and just left out of the back door. Ha! She's pretty cool, and pretty horny, so it had to be bad.

    Sorry, I don't have any of my own, and hopefully it will stay that way.
  • Munque
    Munque Posts: 123
    I met my husband online. My overbearing mother set me up a profile because I kept dating losers. On our first date we did dinner, drinks and a movie and ended up having a few drinks at my house and talking all night. But every 5 minutes my best friend called and asked me a question that only I would know, to make sure that I was ok. lol.

    So every 5 minutes I answered the phone and told her my middle name, my oldest daughters birthday, her middle name (which I didn't know) her son's birthday, ect.,ect.
  • WhatDoesLisa
    Wow, some stories! I think mine are funny rather than scary. One guy I went out with introduced me to his daughter on our first date. Not to get all judgey but if I had a kid I think I wouldn't introduce him/her to strangers until I was sure about them. I am obsessed with America's Most Wanted and there are some crazy people out there!

    I am really into travel and I consider it a must-have on my dating list. One guy said to me, "Well if I haven't seen the Grand Canyon by now, why bother"? He was 35!

    Oh wait...I have to sister met a guy at a bar and he walked up to her and said, "Uh, no, this (waving his hand in a circular motion) does not match your internet self". He then proceeded to turn around and walk out. My sister is very pretty so I have no idea what he was talking about or who he wanted to date.
  • Munque
    Munque Posts: 123
    My husband had one really bad one, he went to meet a girl for lunch and the pic she had posted was taken about 20 years prior, so he gets there and she is in her early 60's and looks it, he was probably in his early 30's at the time, so when we were just chatting online, (my pic wasn't posted because my mom didn't know how to do it and I was too chickenisht to do it myself) I sent him to my myspace to see pics and his first question was "are these recent"
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member

    I met a guy off a forum once and I would not recommend it. About 20 minutes in he started telling me excuses for why his number might be on the sex offender registry.. "it's my name and number, but it's not me I swear!" he got naked in the car to "change clothes" even though we just went to the park. Shared his history of sexual abuse by his father. Then when I said things weren't going to work out, he said "I don't care, I can be your sex toy! Just use me throw me away!" yeahhhh wtf when he finally brought me home I wanted to kiss the ground and thank the stars that I wasn't raped and killed that day.

    What a creeper! That's one of the reasons I will always meet someone on a first date and not let them pick me up, and won't pick them up... and I will only meet for a quick date on the first date, like coffee, drinks or ice cream, because to quote Tom Hanks in Sleepless in Seattle. "You never want to do dinner on a first date, because half way through dinner you could be really sorry that you agreed to go to dinner... but If you just have drinks and things don't work out, you just say well that was great and go on your way"

    No one does dinner anymore on a first date, at least from online dating. I have also never picked anyone up for a first date. Another thing common from online dating is that women often seem to have the escape route on their mind, which I think serves to take attention away from the date at hand and somewhat sabotages it. If someone isn't in the moment, what's the point? I try to do a lot of stuff up front so as to prevent the mindset on the date, but women frequently talk about how they want dates with easy escapes.

    All reasons why offline dating is usually better.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    Met my husband in a forum.
    We flirted back and forth in the forums for a few years, then starting talking on msn messanger, then the phone & skype, then finally I flew to California (i'm in BC, Canada) to spend a week with him, yup, just dove in, he could have been a serial killer, but I was pretty sure he wasn't. My parents were supportive, but what could they say? They had a one night stand and 9 months later my sister was born, 31 years later and they are still married, so it all worked out.

    I have also met some of my best friends as a result of the internet. 2 of my girlfriends were friends of a guy i met on line that I used to go to concerts with, I don't hang out with him anymore, he was kind of an odd duck, but I met these 2 wonderful friends, so it was all worth it!
  • lillithemaculate
    I joined a forum, just a social fun forum for adults. Not a kinky one or swinging one, Having just got over a relationship split. I met a lovely guy on there, we met, he was sweet but nothing sexually happened. Then I was on msn with him, as were two of my friends with me. He kept saying 'BRB', or , "phone, work". Then... my friend asked me if I knew this guy. I said yes, and said we'd met. She said.... he'd planned to meet her but cancelled three times, but said he loved her, wanted to marry her and take on her two kids. THEN....the other woman said she had a secret, she was getting engaged to this guy. So I phoned him, he went mad, why had I told her, and her and it was our secret....and they were lying, and fantasists. I dumped him. fast forward 5 months I get a phone call new years day, to say he'd tried to kill himself. and the woman calling was his fiance. She said she knew about me, and the other 3, but when she'd logged onto his p.c's (2 hardrives), found 10 more. He had photo's of them... not nice ones... er hem....none of me. He'd met with some in groups and made them do things. When this woman had found the photo's and left him, he'd tried to kill himself. I assured her I was out of his life by a long chalk. She....having called all the women to let them know and to apologise on his behalf for being a playa... married him, let him move in with her, (he had also lost his job and been threatened with jail for an offence). And people call me cynical... always check your guy is single, and not sleeping with half your internet friends......:noway:
  • lillithemaculate
    I have to say, I also met some nice people, friends I made. And my current partner I met through I guy I flirted with but didn't hit it off with but he knew I'd like his friend...I did ;)
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    Stories like these are why I do not do online dating.

    I've never done it before, so I don't have any personal stories, but I was home visiting my parents last weekend, and my mom told me a story about a friend of hers who had met 2 guys from recently. This woman is in her mid-40s and has never been married. She's the "I focused so much on my career that I forgot to get married and have kids" types. She's attractive and succesful, but she has trouble meeting men because she lives in a small town, where the pickings are slim. The first guy she went out with was nothing like he portrayed himself to be. She said he didn't look like his photo, and his personality was vastly different than the man she had gotten to know. The next guy admitted to her, while on their date, that he was married and did not plan to divorce his wife ... he just wanted a sex friend. And he told her "Don't worry, my wife is not the type to show up on your doorstep with a shotgun even if she does find out about you." :noway:

    As for meeting a guy instead of letting him pick you up on a first date, I agree if we're talking about someone you met online. Even if he seems like a totally normal person, you just never know. Some people are pathological liars. But if it's a date with someone I've met in person, I insist that he pick me up at my door. If he seems so shady that I think it's not a good idea for him to know where I live, there's no way I'm going on a date with him in the first place. Then again, I am armed pretty much 100% of the time, so my situation is a little different.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I met my love on a website. Not necessarily a dating site bit we will say a site for people who belong to a certain social group.

    I sent him a friend request because I liked his profile pic, he sent me a message after that and we haven't gone a single day without talking since. It's been 7 months and he will be moving in to my house in 2 months.

    For now I only get to see him on weekends but he is so worth being patient. :heart:
  • azubler
    azubler Posts: 7
    Met my hunny online on a local dating site. Tried it on a whim and one day as I was about to delete my profile, I saw a simple statement from a guy asking "where in <my town> are you hiding?" I was intrigued. We started chatting, moved onto Yahoo chat, then phone calls and after about a month a real live dinner date. Turns out, we went to school together, but didn't run in the same circles. We knew who each other was, but had never actually talked. Been with him ever since, a bit over 5 years, and happy as can be! We attended our 30th high school reuinion a couple of years ago.

    We have never had an argument, seldom even disagree on anything! He is a wonderful man who makes me happier than I have ever been in my life.
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,864 Member
    My internet dating stories are the subject of ongoing litigation and thus unable to be shared.

    Some involved pie.
  • polo571
    polo571 Posts: 708 Member
    Split personality girl, obsessive hand washing girl, split personality girl, used her daughters pics girl, oops sorry not divorced actually married girl. Im still on match and wow I can take abuse :) lol
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    I managed to get flowers sent to me by a Nigerian scam artist. I knew he was too good to be true and wasn't falling for any of his BS. So I told him if he was "real" he could send me something to my work. And he did. But I knew he wasn't real - I had already googled his name. He was the 3rd Nigerian scam artist to contact me. I'm done with online dating. I'd rather be alone.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    Split personality girl, obsessive hand washing girl, split personality girl, used her daughters pics girl, oops sorry not divorced actually married girl. Im still on match and wow I can take abuse :) lol

    OH I totally had one of those "no, we're divorced" guys, then it was "well we're separated" then finally "well we aren't LEGALLY separated, but we are living apart". They got back together a month later when they found out she was pregnant.
  • Rachiewoowoo
    I met my boyfriend off Facebook, so no bad or totally funny ones here...

    We just happened to be on a certain "fan page" at the same time where I defended him for making a joke (that people were getting offended about). He then messaged me because he liked my profile picture (lol, some may call it superficial, but really on fb, that's all people have to go off), and we started chatting for a few days. He then insisted that we talk on the phone because he was more comfortable there, so we did, and things just took off :) it's been 1 year and 8 months almost, and I love him very much. He has mfp too, and we're doing this together! I love you david! bearbear :3<3
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I think I've met about the same ratio of jerks/weirdos to nice guys online as I have met in real life. I met my husband online. I don't see any disadvantages to it.
  • Adrenaline_Queen
    Adrenaline_Queen Posts: 626 Member
    I met up with a guy who started to talk about his colon cancer and how he used to collect money for the charity stood in a shop doorway...... yeah yeah yeah, good for him, but not the sort of conversation for a first date?????????????