Continuing my journey!

Hey there folks! I'm not really new to the weight loss world. When I was in my early 20s I lost 110s lbs (going from 345 to 235). I was really happy, but unfortunately put 75 lbs back on (taking me back to 310). I got back on the weight loss path when I was 29, I just turned 21 and I'm back down to 261 today.

265 was a big step for me. After my first round of weight loss I got back up to 265 and tried to get back on the right path, but failed and that's how I ended up back at 310. So when I started back into weight loss I decided that 265 was my goal, simply to get back to the point where I really slipped up last time. So I got back to 265 in November of last year and then decided to maintain for a couple months. Come January I was ready to get going again, setting my new goal to 245, though I couldn't get under 261 lbs to save my life. In fact, the last time I got to 261 I had a bad weekend and ended up back at 267, though this time I'm determined to keep chugging along and not lose focus.

So ultimately I've been at the same weight range since November of last year, and have had trouble getting out of it since January, so I decided to get a referral to a dietician whom I'm supposed to see for the first time next week. In recent conversations she recommended that I check out this website, so I'm hoping it'll be able to help.

Good luck to everyone! Let's drop some pounds!