How dirty are you?



  • stcar
    stcar Posts: 207 Member
    I don't do housework as I am a man.

    >ducks for cover<
    you guys do have it pretty easy ;)
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    I invite people over for dinner as an excuse to clean my house in preparation.

  • stcar
    stcar Posts: 207 Member
    I don't do housework thru the week, that's what my kids are for. lol
    I am terrible for asking my sone to do things, I asked him to put away his bag of snowboarding gear today after a day trip and he looked at my like I just kicked his dog or something lol gotta work on that!
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I let nothing slide, dishes, laundry, everything is always done. I do whatever I can whenever I can till it's done. I will eat breakfast while loading the dishwasher, I do laundry while watching tv, I sweep while making appt's on the phone. I multitask all day long.

    My husband, and 2 kids do help when I need them too......but if you want something done proper you have to do it yourself, so I most often like to do it, so it's done my way.

    I NEVER EVER miss workouts though, I schedule it in.....either in the morning at 930 or after lunch. If it' has been a super hectic day I'll workout after dinner but it gets done. I only skip exercize on rest days but I almost never take rest days.

    I drive school bus so I have periods of time all day long to do these things but I am still driving 6 hours a day plus the hour to take my son to school and back as well. Technically I work 7 hours a day and still find time to do it all.

  • mkayb1
    mkayb1 Posts: 21
    I don't do housework as I am a man.

    >ducks for cover<

    Ah...But an honest man...
  • stcar
    stcar Posts: 207 Member
    I let nothing slide, dishes, laundry, everything is always done. I do whatever I can whenever I can till it's done. I will eat breakfast while loading the dishwasher, I do laundry while watching tv, I sweep while making appt's on the phone. I multitask all day long.

    My husband, and 2 kids do help when I need them too......but if you want something done proper you have to do it yourself, so I most often like to do it, so it's done my way.

    I NEVER EVER miss workouts though, I schedule it in.....either in the morning at 930 or after lunch. If it' has been a super hectic day I'll workout after dinner but it gets done. I only skip exercize on rest days but I almost never take rest days.

    I drive school bus so I have periods of time all day long to do these things but I am still driving 6 hours a day plus the hour to take my son to school and back as well. Technically I work 7 hours a day and still find time to do it all.

    lol well, if we're counting travel time, then I work 9 hours a day, have a son who plays a sport 3 days a week in the evenings, a dog, a house, NO husband and my house is always clean...but my workouts are soooooo hard to get in and I'm therefore "squishy" lol. I'll just have to try the schedule it in thing and stop making excuses :)
  • EmDrake13
    EmDrake13 Posts: 27 Member
    MFP has "Cleaning - Light" and "Cleaning - Vigorous" in their exercise database... Just sayin'.

    You could add lunges to picking stuff up off the floor, or clean the bath tub in a "touch your toes" manner... Sweep the floor by swiveling the hips and not moving your feet (until you have to, obviously...)

    Or, you could just let it go for one day, and do a 30 minute workout video...
  • stcar
    stcar Posts: 207 Member
    MFP has "Cleaning - Light" and "Cleaning - Vigorous" in their exercise database... Just sayin'.

    You could add lunges to picking stuff up off the floor, or clean the bath tub in a "touch your toes" manner... Sweep the floor by swiveling the hips and not moving your feet (until you have to, obviously...)

    Or, you could just let it go for one day, and do a 30 minute workout video...
    I like the lunge idea and adding it to my exercises, thanks!!
  • gomisskellygo
    gomisskellygo Posts: 635 Member
    Dishes every day (or we'd have none). Vacuuming, laundry and bathrooms wait until weekends which makes me sad since I feel like I spend my entire weekend cleaning.

    ^^^this. I am sad too. Almost every weekend!
  • mkayb1
    mkayb1 Posts: 21
    Yes, my house is dirty... and I admit it. Not call social services dirty, but won't pass the white glove test dirty. I make time for what's important. When I'm on my death bed, I don't think I'll say, "If only my kitchen were a little cleaner..." But I will treasure running around playing tag with my kids. And besides... dirt's good for the immune system!
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I am allergic to cleaning.
  • greeneyed_beachgirl
    Once again the title of the thread lures me in and I am sorely disappointed.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    No way in hell I put my life on hold for housework. Dishes & crap will ALWAYS be there - life is too damn short to spend it in the kitchen. Anybody who doesn't like my housekeeping can do it themselves or DON'T COME HERE.
    My house, my rules
  • Zarienz
    Zarienz Posts: 60
    At the end of everyday house has to be tidy, dishes done, everything in its place.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I have a cleaning service.

    Yea, I'm smug about it.
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Thank God I am a bachlorette and I really don't care!
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I have this all down to a well-balanced routine! Laundry gets done on Fridays. I run one wash load in the morning before work, so I can have one load washing and one drying while I work out. The rest gets done off and on while we relax Friday evening. Most of my meal prep for the entire week is done on Sunday. This allows for quick meals on busy weekdays. I can grab something from the fridge or freezer and simply reheat. This also really minimizes the dishes each day. Since all the pots, pans and prep tools are washed on Sunday, we usually just have a few plates to stick in the dishwasher. My husband is responsible for vacuuming, dusting and putting laundry away. That usually takes him about an hour and a half on Saturday or Sunday. I clean our two bathrooms once a week - usually on a weeknight. My husband also usually does the grocery shopping. This was a huge control issue for me to let go of because I am very finicky about the food we eat! He gets lots of the wrong items, so usually we make one return trip to the store to swap things out! LOL But in the end, having him do the shopping is still a huge time saver! Oh... we also live in the woods, so we don't really have a yard to care for. That helps, too! So, I guess our house is always tidy and orderly, but I'm definitely not a super-clean freak.

    I think I have more time for fitness, cooking healthy meals and relaxing than a lot of people my age. My husband and I didn't want have children, and I know being child-free is a HUGE time saver. And other than our jobs, we don't really have any commitments or obligations. We spend a lot of time doing outdoorsy things (hiking/biking/camping/backpacking), watching movies/TV and goofing off. We like it that way! :bigsmile:
  • SofaKingRad
    SofaKingRad Posts: 1,592 Member
    I just rinse off the dishes and hope no one notices when I feed them on dirty plates.
  • babyblooeyes
    babyblooeyes Posts: 67 Member
    I usually do a partial clean on Wednesday with laundry then a full out clean on Thursday after my workout so I don't have to worry about cleaning on the weekends since it is the weekend that I work. I clean dishes daily though. And if anyone ever had a look in my car they would puke I swear it is a dumpster on wheels.... that is one thing I always say I don't have time for.

  • mmuzzatti
    mmuzzatti Posts: 706 Member
    I tell my wife that she can choose, sex with me or clean the house.....I have a very clean house!