Anyone just break up?

My husband decide that it's better that we separate since the tension has been on and off for too long. In some way, maybe we need time apart, especially to find myself, happiness and become a better POSITIVE person. I love him deeply and I'm trying to remind myself that things happen for a reason and we will see what the future hold... I know he loves me too and I right now, I would love to hear that in 6-9 months from now we could be together again, but It's better I don't think like that.

I know.

So, here I am, my heart bleeding, trying to do my journey and do ME... I won't lie: it's Challenging! I can't breath, I feel like my world just crumble.

Any tips to be a better ME for Myself? Anyone been through this process ? And How were you able to find you again and raising the bar at the same time?

Coz that's what I am scared of: Building walls around me again and settling for what is easy...


  • Hey. Sorry to hear about you and your hubby. I actually just went through a divorce in April. Safe to say I know how you feel. I'm on here because there are some things I need to do to feel better about myself. I'm assuming you are right there with me. I think we can do this.
  • i was in the same place christmas 2010.....we were together 13 years,i was seriously hurting as it wasnt my choice to seperate....but all i can say and i know this doesnt help much really but if you have a good circle of friends(which i didnt as i lost contact with all mine years ago,i had to make new ones)....and time.its really hard when it first happens,but it does get easier....believe me
  • taramb4
    taramb4 Posts: 6
    Sorry to hear that. Although I've never been married I can honestly say I know how u feel. I know u are hurting right now and it's hard but the best thing u can do is just try and stay positive. Start living for yourself and doing things you weren't able to when you were in the relationship. Getting fit is a good start. All things that seem bad may turn out to be what's best for you. I believe everything happens for a reason. Just a story I want to share with you. In June of 2010 my long time boyfriend decided he wanted to separate, I was so heartbroken, I stressed out and lost weight because of it which wasn't healthy. Eventually I started reading mediatation books and living for myself. In September of 2010 we reconciled, the break we had helped our relationship. We're still together now.
    I hope you get through this : )